Rogue actress Lenore Zann shares her dream role in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe reboot of X-Men as she shares her advice for whoever will play the heroine in live-action. This year marked the beginning of Marvel Studios’ era with X-Men as they launched X-Men ’97 on Disney+, serving as a sequel to X-Men: The Animated Series. Following its success, Marvel Studios is now also working hard on their X-Men live-action reboot movie, which will bring the mutants properly into the MCU.

Screen Rant recently interviewed Rogue herself as Zann chatted about returning to the franchise with X-Men ’97 season 1. During the interview, Zann shared her thoughts on Marvel Studios’ X-Men reboot, including if she would like to appear in the film. Not only is Zann game to join the MCU, but she has the perfect X-Men role in mind, sharing the following:

Lenore Zann: I’d love to! I’ve always said I’d love to play Rogue’s mother, like her original mother, because when you look at the cartoon, comics, the drawings of her, she looks a lot like me, actually! [laughs] She looks like a 70s hippie mother with long blonde hair, [with] golden skin and green hazel eyes. So I was thinking, ‘Wow, that would be really fun.’ But who knows where they’re gonna go with the scripts, but that would be a blast.

Zann was also asked if she has any advice to share for whoever will play Rogue in the new reimagination of the X-Men. Zann would love, more than anything, to at least meet the future X-Men star and have a conversation about Rogue.

Lenore Zann: Whoever gets chosen, I’d love to meet with them and have a coffee and we could chat about Rogue and what makes her tick. What are her foibles? What’s her Achilles heel? I think every actor brings their own talents, passions, and experience to each role. So I wouldn’t want to tell them what to do, but I would want to have a conversation with them, if that’s possible, discuss it and brainstorm, and I think that would be a lot of fun.

Why Lenore Zann’s MCU Role Would Be The Perfect X-Men ’97 Connection

Rogue and Nightcrawler in X-Men 97

While time will tell if the MCU’s X-Men movie will add Zann, this would be a great idea to see come to fruition. The MCU has, throughout the Multiverse Saga, in more ways than one, paid homage to X-Men: The Animated Series, including musical cues from the iconic theme song. Having Zann come in as Rogue’s mother would be another terrific way to acknowledge the importance of X-Men: The Animated Series, as well as her legacy as the popular character, in the superhero landscape.

Had it not been for X-Men: The Animated Series, and in turn, the X-Men ’97 TV show, this property wouldn’t have the massive following that it has today. Having iconic cast members like Zann join the MCU in a role like Rogue’s birth mother would be a nice way to give a wink to the animated shows, as well as the major contribution she has made to this character for all these years. For long-time fans of this particular version of X-Men, it would also be a fun reference as they would know who Zann is when she appears on-screen.

This is also something that Kevin Feige would likely do, as this could open the door for other X-Men: The Animated Series and X-Men ’97 stars to show up in the MCU’s X-Men reboot. With the script currently being worked on, that likely means they are also trying to land a director as soon as possible. Hopefully, more news on the MCU’s X-Men film will emerge sooner rather than later.