One of the things that has made The Walking Dead franchise such an interesting one is when a character long thought dead pops back up. The only thing more interesting is when a character, such as Morgan Jones, appears in another chapter of The Walking Dead franchise than the one they originated in. The franchise hasn’t done it all that much, just enough to show there is a connected universe, but when it happens, it tends to make fans sit up and take notice.
Now that Fear the Walking Dead is officially over but the greater franchise keeps rolling on, it might be time to bring one or more of the more interesting Fear the Walking Dead characters into one of the originals’ spinoffs. Whether it be Daryl Dixon, Dead City, or whatever comes after them.
Fear The Walking Dead’s Favorite Mom & Daughter Duo

Obviously, the idea that these two could still be wandering the wastelands of America is very real in The Walking Dead universe. And while they are on the West coast and the rest of the shows are set on the East Coast (or across the ocean), there’s enough time in something like Dead City, where they could make it to New York.
There is one other thing that could hint at another return of Madison. Kim Dickens has already left the show and come back before. Or at least sat out the action for long periods of time. It certainly doesn’t seem like it would take much to get her to come back and reprise the role. Getting Alycia Debnam-Carey might be a little bit harder as her career continues to take off, but she’s also not someone that would seem totally out of the realm of possibility.
The Walking Dead Could Use Another Leader

Still, he’s made it clear before that he credits fighting zombies on the spinoff as a big part of where he is in his career.
Strand has long been a character that has felt like someone who could get a band of followers to join up and look to him as a leader. And at the end of Fear the Walking Dead, he’s on the road to looking for new people to roam America with. His split with Alicia and Madison seems to indicate that he’s looking to put down roots elsewhere. A The Walking Dead spinoff would be the perfect place to have him do that.
The Walking Dead Spinoffs Need A Cat Person

However, Daniel also had a soft side that was never shown more than his feline companion, skidmark. There was a time when it seemed like the little kitty had finally used up its nine lives in the end of the world, but in the series finale of Fear the Walking Dead, he ends up being reunited with his four-legged friend.
Of all of the characters and actors who could make a return to The Walking Dead franchise, it certainly seems like Daniel Salazar and skidmark would make the most sense. Having to go off on their own, they could end up anywhere. It’s possible they could end up in France if they really wanted to as there’s clearly still ways to do that sort of thing in this world. Skidmark would offer up some softhearted fun in whatever show they pop up in, should they indeed, pop up.