10 Powerful Supes from The Boys Who Could Potentially Join Homelander’s Army in the Season 5

The Boys season 4 finale established the terrifying beginnings of Homelander’s supe army, and these 10 supes could join it in The Boys season 5. After four seasons of attempting to grab as much power as possible, Homelander finally achieved his goal of gaining influence over the White House in The Boys season 4, episode 8. Homelander and Sister Sage’s plan allowed a president who is sympathetic to supes to get into office, and now that Homelander’s supe army has added some of The Boys‘ biggest and baddest supes, there is plenty of room for the ranks to grow.

In The Boys season 4 finale, Homelander announces that he is deputizing a massive swath of Vought supes, giving these The Boys villains legal authority to carry out their supe supremacist desires. The supes in Homelander’s army are helping to establish and protect Homelander’s fascist state, with season 4’s final montage seeing villains like Cate, Sam, Love Sausage, and Cindy arrest the protagonists of the show. The Boys season 4 is just a small glimpse of the terror that is to come, as these 10 The Boys supes could end up joining Homelander’s army in season 5.


Zach McGowan

Dogknott in The Boys

One of the strangest supes that was introduced in The Boys season 4 was Dogknott, with him being a potential new member of Homelander’s supe army in the upcoming batch of episodes. Dogknott is a supe who has been working for Vought in the background for a while, with his superhero actions and notoriety making him one of the 25 finalists competing for a spot on The Seven. Dogknott has the power to communicate with canines, with him also having dog-related powers like super hearing.

In his small The Boys season 4 appearance, Dogknott is played by Zach McGowan. The fact that a major television actor was cast in the role means that it is entirely possible that The Boys could have a big plan for the character, with him potentially being deputized by Homelander in season 5. Dogknott would be an interesting foil to The Deep, as their similar powers and personalities could lead to some comedic yet disgusting moments.


Rafia Iqbal

Hyperion in The Boys

Another supe who was teased in The Boys season 4 was Hyperion, a character who could also find herself working for Homelander in The Boys season 5. Hyperion’s backstory has already been fleshed out a bit when Ashley was discussing her potential candidacy for The Seven, with it being explained that she is a former member of Teenage Kix who also worked as a model. However, she seems to have returned to life as a superhero in recent years, with her hoping to land a spot on The Seven.

Hyperion’s main power as revealed by her Vought profile is her super intuition, although she is also proficient in martial arts, gymnastics, and something known as “divine feminity.” Rafia Iqbal portrays Hyperion in her appearance in The Boys season 4, meaning that the character could return in a villainous role as part of Homelander’s supe army in The Boys season 5.

Rafia Iqbal also serves as a body double for Claudia Doumit, who plays Victoria Neuman.


Actress Unknown

Tek Knight and The Talons engage in a race to see who is faster in The Boys comics

In the universe of The Boys, Talon is the franchise’s parody of DC’s Catwoman, with the master thief being one of the frontrunners for membership on The Seven in The Boys season 4. Talon is a Vought celebrity who has become a social media influencer, with her working alongside other major supe celebrities like Gen V‘s Tek Knight. Talon makes her first appearance in The Boys when The Seven is looking through 25 potential candidates, with her getting quickly passed over.

Talon’s main power is her retractable claws, making her an incredibly deadly supe. However, these claws also aide her in her thievery, with them allowing her to be proficient in tasks like picking locks. Although Talon is seen in The Boys season 4, the actress who portrays her isn’t known, although it is possible that she could return in future installations in The Boys franchise.

7Big Game

Scott Baker

Big Game in The Boys

Big Game is a character who has existed in the universe of The Boys for a while now, with him being seen on security camera footage all the way back in The Boys season 1. In the universe of The Boys, Big Game is a parody of the DC character Robin, with him even sporting a similar mask. Big Game’s powers are unknown, but it is known that he is the leader of Teenage Kix, the team of young supes that Starlight used to belong to.

Big Game’s connection to Teenage Kix could allow for a fun story in The Boys season 5, with him hunting down rogue supes who used to be on his team. This would give him a reason to specifically track down Starlight, reintroducing this The Boys villain all these years later.


John DiMaggio

Groundhawk from The Boys Diabolical

Groundhawk is another interesting character who has been operating in the background of The Boys universe for a while now, and he would make for a perfect member of Homelander’s supe army. Although he hasn’t properly appeared in The Boys yet, he did serve as a villain in The Boys Presents: Diabolical episode “Nubian vs Nubian.” Played by John DiMaggio, Groundhawk is known for his super strength and hammer-shaped hands, making him a formidable brawler for his rival, Nubian Prince.

It has been revealed that Groundhawk is a recovering alcoholic who has been kept out of the spotlight by Vought since going in and out of rehab for several years. While he hasn’t been seen in live action yet, bringing him back in The Boys season 5 would be a fun way to tie The Boys Presents: Diabolical into the main series, and John DiMaggio could even return as the character.


Nicholas Hamilton

Maverick in Gen V  The world of Gen V also introduces several supes who could work alongside Homelander and The Seven in The Boys season 5, with Maverick being one of the prime contenders for this. Maverick is a supe who has the power to turn invisible, with him occasionally bumping into Marie Moreau and the cast of Gen V throughout the show. Although Maverick hasn’t connected with The Seven yet, one detail of the character’s backstory could allow him to have a connection to Homelander.

As Gen V reveals, Maverick is the son of former The Seven member Translucent, who Hughie, Butcher, and Frenchie killed in The Boys season 1. Maverick’s nepotism connection could get him a good position in Homelander’s supe army, as The Seven is now in need of an invisible supe who could act as a replacement.

4Cold Snap

Shaun Mazzocca

Cold Snap demonstrates how to turn things cold

Cold Snap is a significant supe from The Boys comics who hasn’t had a major role in the Amazon show yet, but The Boys season 5 could change this by having him join Homelander’s army. Cold Snap is a supe who has the power to create and control ice, with him creating a dildo made out of ice during his first The Boys appearance at Herogasm in season 3.

Played by Shaun Mazzocca in his season 3 appearance, Cold Snap was one of the few supes confirmed to be alive after the Herogasm explosion, with him being seen badly injured as he is carried away on a stretcher. A piece of comic art put in The Boys season 4 as an Easter egg features the character of Cold Snap, and since the show is referencing him, it is possible that he could return in some fashion in the show’s final season.

3Ashley Barrett

Colby Minifie

Ashley (Colby Minifie) about to inject herself with Compound V in The Boys Season 4 Episode 8

Up until The Boys season 4, Ashley Barrett has merely been a human employee of Vought, with her constantly working in service of Homelander and The Seven. However, The Boys season 4 finally turned Ashley into a supe, and while it didn’t reveal what her powers are, this will undoubtedly occur in season 5.

Ashley was last seen running in fear from The Seven, meaning that it is entirely possible that she could rebel against Homelander’s army since she was at the top of The Seven’s hit list. However, it is also possible that her newfound superpowers will lead to her also undertaking Homelander’s supe supremacist ideology, with her joining the fight against The Boys. Ashley hasn’t been an explicit villain in The Boys universe just yet, but this change could finally be made in The Boys season 5.


Jessie T. Usher

A-Train (Jessie T. Usher) makes a deal with Hughie in The Boys season 4 episode 4 A-Train (Jessie T. Usher) in The Boys season 4 episode 4 Jack Quaid as Hughie and Jessie T. Usher suffer an awkward Herogasm reunion in The Boys Jack Quaid as Hughie Campbell covered in blood in The Boys

Although A-Train has been a loyal supporter of Homelander and The Seven since the very beginning of The Boys, season 4 changed this. A-Train actually gets a redemption arc in The Boys season 4, with him feeling guilty for his past actions and deciding to help The Boys out. A-Train leaks information to The Boys that tells them about Homelander and Sister Sage’s plan, although he is eventually caught and forced to flee the United States out of fear for his life.

A-Train knows that Homelander will eventually find him, and this will probably happen in The Boys season 5. Although Homelander tends to kill his opposition, A-Train is an incredibly powerful supe, meaning that Homelander may spare his life on the condition that he joins his army. This would be a sad conclusion to A-Train’s arc, but it is entirely plausible based on A-Train’s years of service to The Seven.

1Soldier Boy

Jensen Ackles

Soldier Boy sleeping in his tube in The Boys season 4 finale

Although he isn’t officially part of Homelander’s supe army yet, this is teased in The Boys season 4’s terrifying mid-credits scene. In the scene, Homelander discovers that the CIA has been keeping Soldier Boy on ice, meaning that Homelander will undoubtedly unfreeze him in the upcoming season. Their connection to each other has caused Soldier Boy and Homelander to agree on a lot of things, meaning that Soldier Boy joining Homelander’s army makes a lot of sense.

As one of the only supes who can kill Homelander, the villain undoubtedly wants Soldier Boy on his side. On top of that, Soldier Boy is Homelander’s father, meaning that the two could finally work together as part of Homelander’s fascist state. The potential for these two supes to team up in The Boys season 5 is absolutely terrifying, as it means that Homelander would be robbing The Boys of one of their only weapons that can hurt the supe state.

As one of the only supes who can kill Homelander, the villain undoubtedly wants Soldier Boy on his side. On top of that, Soldier Boy is Homelander’s father, meaning that the two could finally work together as part of Homelander’s fascist state. The potential for these two supes to team up in The Boys season 5 is absolutely terrifying, as it means that Homelander would be robbing The Boys of one of their only weapons that can hurt the supe state.

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