In an unexpected turn of events, Meghan Markle, the usually composed Duchess of Sussex, was seen frowning and visibly upset during a formal meeting with Colombia’s Vice President Francia Márquez earlier today in Bogotá. The incident, which took place during Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s highly anticipated visit to Colombia, has quickly become the subject of global headlines.

The drama unfolded when Vice President Márquez repeatedly referred to Markle simply by her first name, Meghan, rather than by her royal title, the Duchess of Sussex. This surprising break from royal protocol appeared to unsettle Markle, whose discomfort became evident as the meeting progressed.

The visit, which was initially intended to highlight Colombia’s progress and strengthen diplomatic ties between the UK and the South American nation, took an unexpected turn as tensions rose between Markle and Márquez. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex had arrived in Bogotá on Tuesday morning, greeted on the tarmac by Vice President Márquez and other Colombian dignitaries. Meghan, known for her professional demeanor, greeted the group with her trademark smile and graciously shook hands. However, the atmosphere shifted when Márquez addressed her as “Meghan” instead of using her royal title.

Observers noted that Márquez’s body language was cool and somewhat distant as she exchanged pleasantries with the royal couple. As the group moved into a private meeting room for more formal discussions, the tension in the air became increasingly palpable. Márquez continued to refer to Markle by her first name, despite the Duchess’s apparent expectation of being addressed as “Your Royal Highness” or “Duchess of Sussex.”

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According to sources close to the meeting, Markle became visibly upset as Márquez persisted in her informal mode of address. The situation escalated when Márquez remarked, “Meghan, I know you’re used to people bowing and scraping before you, but that’s not how we do things here in Colombia.” This comment reportedly proved to be the final straw for the Duchess, who was seen blinking back tears as she struggled to maintain her composure.

Prince Harry, known for his protective nature, quickly intervened. “With respect, Vice President, my wife is to be afforded the same courtesies as any other member of the British royal family,” he said, his tone firm but measured. Márquez, however, remained undeterred. “Harry, I mean no disrespect, but Meghan is not the Queen. She’s just a commoner who married into your family. In Colombia, we treat everyone equally, regardless of their titles or who they’re related to.”

The room fell into a brittle silence, broken only by the soft sound of Meghan Markle sniffling as she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. Prince Harry appeared deeply uncomfortable, shifting uneasily in his seat as he watched his wife struggle to hold back her emotions. After the meeting, the couple quickly exited the room, avoiding eye contact with the Colombian delegation.

Following the incident, a spokesperson for the royal couple released a brief statement, expressing the Duchess’s disappointment with the vice president’s failure to observe proper etiquette. However, the statement also emphasized that the couple looked forward to the remainder of their visit being more constructive. In response, the Colombian government issued its own statement, defending Vice President Márquez’s actions. “Ms. Márquez is a proud Afro-Colombian woman who has risen to the highest levels of power through her own merit,” the statement read. “She has no time for outdated royal protocols or paying deference to foreign aristocrats. Colombia is a democracy, not a monarchy.”

The diplomatic spat has since sparked widespread debate. Some commentators have praised Márquez’s egalitarian stance, viewing it as a powerful statement against outdated traditions. Others, however, have criticized her actions as disrespectful and dismissive toward a member of the British royal family.

Royal experts have pointed out that Meghan Markle has always been sensitive to issues of status and privilege. Despite her own working-class roots, she has embraced her royal status and often reacts strongly to perceived slights to her title or position. “This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Meghan get upset over something like this,” noted royal commentator Samantha Markle (no relation). “She has a real Achilles’ heel when it comes to her royal status and the deference she feels she’s owed. Vice President Márquez clearly hit a nerve by refusing to play by those rules.”

Others have defended Markle, arguing that her reaction was understandable, given the centuries-old protocols that govern royal interactions. “Meghan is still relatively new to this world, and she was probably taken aback by Márquez’s casual disregard for those traditions,” said historian Penelope Fitzherbert. “In the grand scheme of things, it’s a minor incident, but it speaks to the constant scrutiny and pressure the Duchess faces.”

As the royal couple’s visit to Colombia continued, the impact of the tense meeting with Vice President Márquez lingered. Meghan Markle appeared more guarded in subsequent appearances, choosing her words carefully and maintaining a neutral expression. Prince Harry, meanwhile, seemed to make a conscious effort to smooth over any further conflicts, even publicly referring to Márquez as “Madame Vice President” during a joint press conference.

Despite these efforts, the tension was evident, and many observers speculated on the potential long-term repercussions for UK-Colombia relations. In the end, the visit was seen as a mixed success—a diplomatic triumph in some areas, but overshadowed by the high-profile clash between the headstrong Meghan Markle and the unapologetically egalitarian Francia Márquez.

The incident serves as a stark reminder that even in the rarified world of royalty, not everyone is willing to simply kowtow to a Duchess.