Prince Harry is reportedly starting to feel some massive aftereffects of nostalgia.

Prince Harry’s nostalgia is at an all-time high amid attempts to make a new home

Prince Harry has reportedly started feeling incredibly nostalgic for times past and is working tirelessly to try and re-establish a home again

Everything has been brought to light by royal commentator and expert Tom Quinn.

He weighed in on everything during a candid interview with The Mirror.

During that time the expert revealed what’s really happening behind the scenes of the Duke’s relationships.

Reportedly, “Prince Harry wants to spend more time in the U.K., but he knows he is going to have to do it alone.”

Because “Meghan has publicly stated that she has no intention of returning to England.”

Prince Harry is looking for a house in the UK: Has he had enough of his  life in the United States? | Marca

And “This puts Harry in a really difficult position if any kind of positive relationship is to be re-established with his family.”

All in all, its become evident to the expert that, “After the excitement of moving to the U.S., the honeymoon period is now over and Harry is beginning to find time hangs heavy for him—he is increasingly nostalgic for much of his old life back in the U.K.”

At the end of the day, “For all his problems with his family, he always loved his military and school friends and he misses them,” Mr Quinn admitted before signing off.