Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Louis Piech Scigliuzzi as Laurent, and Anne Charrier as Genet in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – The Book of Carol episode 1.

Despite Genet being portrayed as the show’s main antagonist, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2’s true villain makes the events of season 1 pointless. Daryl Dixon‘s first installment was full of action, drama, and emotion as the protagonist washed up in France and made new allies during his attempt to return home. While Daryl only agreed to help deliver Laurent to the Nest in exchange for a way back to the US, he developed a true connection with him and Isabelle, leading to some heroic moments alongside some of Daryl Dixon’s best Walking Dead scenes.

However, despite managing to overcome the odds and successfully escort Laurent to the nest, Daryl and his allies’ journey looks completely irrelevant. Rather than providing the child with a safe home and potentially fighting back against Genet’s army, the spinoff appears to be setting up a secret villain that would undermine Daryl Dixon season 1’s ending. Having risked their lives and even lost people along the way, Daryl and his group’s trip across France seems like it could have all been for nothing if one twist turns out to be true, adding more jeopardy and emotion to season 2.

Daryl Dixon Season 2 Is Setting Up Losang & The Union As Secret Villains

Losang’s Private Conversation Suggests He Has A Secret Plan

Losang (Joel de la Fuente) talking to Daryl (Norman Reedus) in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

Losang may have been introduced as a friendly pacifist during his debut, but Daryl Dixon season 2’s premiere suggested The Union’s leader may have a hidden agenda. He was spotted having secret conversations with one of his fellow Nest members, who seemed even more untrustworthy than him. Between them, they made it clear Laurent is a part of their great plan, but it may not be exactly what the community expected, and while the spinoff hasn’t revealed the duo’s true intentions just yet, Daryl Dixon seems to be setting them up as potential villains based on the first episode.

With the Nest seemingly having a shady hierarchy, it’s hard to tell who else may be in on this secret plan or how many people are involved. While Losang did seem to show some restraint and compassion for Laurent, it’s clear he has something to hide from Daryl and some of the Nest’s other innocent members, which adds more drama to the series. Given Norman Reedus claimed Daryl Dixon season 2’s finale is the best episode of The Walking Dead yet, this conspiracy looks like it will be uncovered eventually, and it could lead to some explosive action.

Losang’s private conversations could still be a red herring, but it’s hard not to be suspicious of him and L’Union’s other senior members. The series definitely wants its audience to believe the Nest may not be the peaceful community it has been built up to be, creating a sense of mystery about this supposedly pacifist group.

Losang Being A Villain Makes Daryl Dixon Season 1’s Journey Pointless

Daryl & His Allies Spent Season 1 Protecting Laurent For Nothing If Losang Is An Antagonist

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon in France in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.

Although there may still be some twists and turns when it comes to Losang’s true intentions, the character being revealed as a villain would make season 1’s events meaningless. Azlan lost his life trying to ensure Laurent made it safely to the Nest, as did Aiden – albeit he wasn’t part of L’Union – proving this journey wasn’t without casualties and sacrifices. Additionally, the central characters had to go through brutal circumstances and constantly fight for their lives to finally arrive at this safe haven, but it would all feel utterly pointless if the community was secretly evil.

Even if the characters are able to defeat L’Union alongside Genet’s army, they will be no better off than they were during the start of the show.

The senseless violence may be exactly what Daryl Dixon is going for, with the show wanting the journey to feel like a waste, making Losang’s betrayal feel more emotional. While Carol and Daryl’s inevitable season 2 meeting will help even the odds for Daryl’s group and give them a chance to stop L’Union, it may not be enough to prevent more deaths. Therefore, even if the characters are able to defeat them alongside Genet’s army, they will be no better off than they were during the start of the show, adding to the hopelessness around the potential villain twist.

What Does Losang Have Planned For Laurent In Daryl Dixon Season 2?

Losang’s Scheme Requires Laurent & L’Union To Be “Ready”

Laurent (Louis Puech Scigliuzzi) in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon next to a nuclear sign

The biggest evidence that Losang is a villain is his secret plan revolving around Laurent, but the show hasn’t made it clear exactly what that could be. Daryl Dixon has repeatedly emphasized that Laurent is important to L’Union, but while this seemed innocent on paper, season 2’s premiere suggested the group’s intentions may be far more sinister. Rituals and ceremonies were mentioned in the first episode, alongside Laurent “not being ready“, pointing toward a potentially dark fate for the character. While the Union probably doesn’t plan on hurting Laurent directly, they may try to corrupt him.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon has been renewed for a third season, which has begun filming in Spain.

He is clearly supposed to be the face of their rebellion against Pouvoir and holds great value to the group, meaning they may try and transform him into some sort of leader or even a martyr. Given the show’s religious themes and imagery, it’s possible these plans could take a tradition and put an ominous spin on it, leading to a disturbing scene. It’s still too early to know exactly what Losang and L’Union have in mind for Laurent, but Daryl Dixon seems to be setting up something unsettling when it comes to the spinoff’s unexpected villains.