The recent years have seen Meghan Markle’s life record a complete turnaround. If Suits brought her any ounce of fame (it did), royalty turned that in the blink of an eye, and, all of a sudden, the entire world was watching. Meghan Markle became a household name due to her affiliation with Prince Harry, with whom she has two children. Every move she made was watched. She, alongside Prince Harry, became a trending topic and the subject of every major tabloid. The scrutiny was so unbearable, that the couple decided to take a break from the limelight, and only show up when need be.
While Prince Harry grew up in the spotlight and was used to it, Meghan’s life before gaining recognition on the television series Suits was that of an actress on the rise. Just like other actresses trying so hard to make it in Hollywood, Meghan was, for lack of a better phrase, ‘the next big thing.’ Here are some facts about Meghan’s life before fame.
1011-Year-Old Meghan Was An Activist
As an adult, Meghan has lent her voice countless times to women’s rights. Well, her passion for activism and ability to have a keen eye on matters of discrimination began long ago. When Meghan spotted a gender-biased ad on television at the age of 11, she wrote a letter to the product’s manufacturer, requesting a change. Soon enough, the manufacturer obliged, and the advertisement aired with a gender-neutral tone.
9She Considered A Career In Politics
Rumors of a Meghan-Markle political career keep doing rounds on the interwebs. The Duchess of Sussex has neither confirmed nor denied these rumors. If they happen to be, then it wouldn’t be too far-fetched as Meghan once considered a career in politics. This was inspired by her internship at the American Embassy in Buenos Aires. Meghan’s score in the Foreign Service Officer test didn’t allow her to pursue those dreams.
8Meghan Markle Was A Calligraphy Teacher
One thing is certain; Meghan Markle has a love for all things art. What most people do not know about her is her incredibly beautiful handwriting. Meghan worked at a shop in Beverly Hills that specialized in decorative papers and custom stationery. During her time at the shop, she taught classes on calligraphy and had some high-profile clients. Speaking of celebrity clients, Meghan designed the wedding invites for Robin Thicke and Paula Patton.
7She Also Taught Book-Binding
In 2019 Meghan Markle made a visit to Johannesburg, South Africa. In the country, she visited a social enterprise scheme dubbed Victoria Yards Initiative. At the British-Council supported enterprise, she was carried away by an organization named ‘Young Bucks,’ which used recycled material to bind books. It was then that she revealed that she used to do bookbinding herself, prior to her Suits days.
6And Was A ‘One-Episode-Wonder’
Meghan’s journey in acting was not smooth. Prior to Suits, she had a string of guest appearances and no roles as a recurring cast member, hence the term ‘one-episode-wonder.’ Some of the shows she appeared on are Century City, General Hospital, and Cuts. Meghan faced a lot of prejudice in the acting business because she didn’t quite belong, racially.
5Meghan Markle Appeared In A Few Movies
Just like her television career, Meghan Markle also had a bit of somewhat shaky luck when it came to the box office. Her first cameo was in the 2005 film A Lot Like Love. She then appeared in three more movies, five years later; Remember Me, Get Him to the Greek, and as Kat in The Candidate. Luck was on her side when the year of her appearance in Horrible Bosses also happened to be the one she got her role in Suits.
4And Still Commanded Big Cheques
Meghan Markle’s net worth has obviously shot up the roof in recent years. Prior to Suits, she was doing just fine, financially. For her role in Remember Me, she was paid $187,000, a substantial check for an up-and-coming actress. For playing Kat in The Candidate, Meghan was paid $171,429, another significant cheque prior to Suits. It’s safe to say that, financially, Meghan was earning an above-average income.
3She Was Also Active On Social Media
You heard that right. Meghan Markle did not live such a guarded life before Suits or royalty came by. She was actively growing her audience and interacting with them. This audience was leveraged when she landed a role in Suits and grew it ten-fold. The growing numbers encouraged her to start a blog, The Tig, that covered everything from fashion to celebrity interviews.
2Meghan Markle Was A Briefcase Model On ‘Deal or No Deal’
As Meghan Markle waited for her acting career to pick up, she took modeling gigs on the side. One of those roles was as a ‘briefcase model’ on the game show Deal or No Deal. One of Meghan’s friends from the show, Lisa Gleave, spilled a few behind-the-scenes details about their time as workmates. Lisa said Meghan was ‘quiet but very sweet.’ She also mentioned that Meghan was dedicated to being a prolific actress.
1And Appeared On 1 vs 100
Part of her modeling career led Meghan Markle to appear on the NBC game show 1 vs 100. Her 2006 appearance was alongside Marisa Petroro and Katie Cleary. On the show, one contestant was put up against 100 people in a bid to get them to in an exorbitant amount of money. In one of the rare photos of her appearance on the show, Markle is seen facing the audience, a wide smile plastered on her face.