Prince Harry works to prove hes more than Meghan Markles personal puppy

Prince Harry works to prove he’s more than Meghan Markle’s ‘personal puppy’

Prince Harry’s attempts to repair fractured relationships with royal family face significant obstacles.

Despite his efforts, the ongoing perception of Harry as Meghan Markle’s “personal puppy dog” continues to hinder any potential reconciliation.

An insider told Heat UK, “Nobody would go so far as to try and push Harry away from Meghan per say, but the fact he’s still perceived as her personal puppy dog is the big reason William, Camilla and many others inside the Firm won’t budge an inch right now, despite his best efforts.”

This negative perception has also created a barrier between the Duke of Sussex and his friends, who are “worried about the fallout that comes with being perceived as Team Sussex – not so much due to Harry but because Meghan is so resented and untrusted by all corners of British high society at this point.”

The source stated, “If Harry is lucky enough to build some bridges with his loved ones or old pals then he’d be wise to do so by himself, and not involve Meghan in any way. That’s just the reality he has to live with, as painful as it must be for him.”

Despite Harry’s determination to prove that “he’s still the same person he always has been,” insider claims that “he knows he’s got a mountain to climb, as far as convincing certain people that they should give him the time of day, but by all accounts, he seems to be feeling pretty confident that he can do it.”

“He’s accepted that it won’t be easy and will take time and effort but it’s worth it to him because he doesn’t want to be stuck out in the wilderness forever. His approach right now is to take it step by step,” the tipster added.

As Prince Harry turns 40 next week, it is reported that Meghan Markle is planning a “luxurious” event. Although senior royals may be absent, the event is expected to include numerous A-list friends.