Meghan Markle’s Relationship With This A-Lister Is ‘Broken Beyond Repair,’ per Sources

While many reports of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s falling out with the Beckhams have circulated, sources say the once-close power couples’ relationship, which began to experience friction shortly after Meghan and Harry’s 2018 wedding and made headlines back in 2022, has faced recent challenges. Back in October 2023, David Beckham opted to visit with King Charles despite Prince Harry being in the U.K. at the same time. Now, it seems that even Markle’s friendship with Victoria Beckham is also a thing of the past.

According to insiders, Markle’s attempts to keep the friendship alive were met with unexpected coldness. “Meghan’s been shocked by how Vic seems to have given her the cold shoulder – even reaching out herself when her team received no response when requesting a dress,” a source told Closer Online.

“Meghan has been told that both Victoria and David may have disapproved of how she and Harry have behaved over the last few months,” the insider added. Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars reportedly weren’t too pleased with how candid the Sussexes were being, including Oprah and the Beckhams.

Still, it seems that Markle is trying to make amends for whatever indiscretion has Posh icing her out to add the designer back to her inner circle. “Meghan’s hoping she can claw things back and repair their friendship. Knowing how well-connected the Beckhams are with such a strong presence globally, Meghan hoped that her friendship with Victoria would help repair her tarnished image,” the source added.

Paul Burrell, former footman to Queen Elizabeth II, commented on Harry and Meghan’s dwindling network. “Harry and Meghan’s circle is getting smaller and smaller. I think the A-list stars are dropping like flies. Some already have done – Oprah no longer seems involved with them and some other celebrities have also dumped them,” he said.

He further noted, “Back in the day, the A-listers were riding on the moment – Harry and Meghan were the most popular couple in the country at one time, when they got married, but there’s since been a decline. Americans love the Royal Family, but are starting to understand that they are not part of the Royal Family – they are a side show, not a main event.”

As Markle navigates these evolving social dynamics, her strained relationship with Posh serves as a key example of the broader challenges she and Prince Harry face post-exit from their official royal duties. For now, the chance of rekindling this high-profile friendship appears slim.

Kate Middleton, Prince William, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle

Kate Middleton, Prince William, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle

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