GP Images/WireImage, Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Audemars Piguet

Meghan Markle, known as the controversial Duchess of Sussex, has armored herself with a solid group of A list best friends. Amongst those is the professional tennis player, Serena Williams who is #1 in women’s singles tennis. Fun fact, they’re not really best friends!

Before Meghan became married to Prince Harry, no one paid any attention to her. She had no status, she was a Z-list actress from Hollywood, and she had no connections. Nowadays, the media is trying to rewrite history by claiming that Meghan has all the connections in the world. That’s false. Let’s establish one thing here — before Meghan married into the royal family, she was a nobody in Hollywood who knew literally nobody. Now, this isn’t hate by any means, it’s just me simply stating facts.



The same thing happened with Oprah Winfrey. We exposed earlier in the schedule that Meghan is only close to Oprah because Oprah is reportedly helping her and Harry settle into the US and because she wants the inside scoop on the royal family.

It’s important to understand that all these A-listers whom Meghan is suddenly best friends with as soon as she married Harry, didn’t give her the time of day before she was a duchess.

Now I’m being told that those same “friends” are keeping their distance from her since she’s not even a royal anymore.

As that Disney executive said about her, she’s a controversial figure. And listen, Hollywood is all about image and protecting one’s self. The royal family still holds a lot of power and that’s why you see Meghan and Harry on their own lately. It’s not even the pandemic more than it is people not wanting to associate with them.

Meghan and Serena’s Friendship

Meghan and Serena reportedly met in 2010 at a Super Bowl party. They first crossed paths in February 2014, teaming up to play a game of flag football at DIRECTV’s Celebrity Beach Bowl:


Nowadays, the US media will try to say that Meghan and Serena have had a ten year friendship. Um.. not really. There’s like three photos of them throughout the years and it’s always at EVENTS. And knowing sweet Megs, she’s probably trying her best to make any kind of connections that she could.

Here’s them when Serena won her match in 2014 at the U.S. Open championship:

And then a few years later, they took a picture at New York fashion week in 2016. One could argue that Serena thought she was posing with a fan lmao

New York Fashion week, September 2016

New York Fashion week, September 2016

In November 2017, Serena held her wedding to Alexis Ohanian, but their so-called besties, Prince Harry and Meghan, weren’t even in attendance. Sure, they could have been busy, but how busy are you to miss your apparent besties’ wedding?

However, when it was the ROYAL WEDDING in 2018, Serena and Alexis were invited and they attended because it was arguably the wedding of the decade.



So as I’ve been saying, they’re not the closest but as readers of this blog know, there are friendships that are created because they are… what? Say it with meGOOD. FOR. BUSINESS.

Meghan attending Serena’s Match

In September 2019, Meghan flew to New York for a 2 day trip so she can support Serena at the U.S. Open championship game.



The British media was slamming her by saying that she’s a bad mother for leaving her baby who was only 4 months old at the time and a bunch of other things. Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with Meghan going to support Serena. There’s like 40 different nannies that could take care of Baby Archie for a mere 2 days. However, some sources reported to the media saying that it was a complete PR stunt.

Others said that there’s a lot of superstitions surrounding the game of tennis and those that come in attendance are crucial to the result of the game. That was so funny because Serena lost the match when Meghan came to see her, but won the night before when she wasn’t there.

September 9, 2019 / GETTY Images

September 9, 2019 / GETTY Images

A source told the New York Post that, “Serena asked her coach about Meghan coming when she won last night and everyone is worried, as tennis players are very superstitious, and Serena lost when Meghan came to watch her at Wimbledon. [Williams’ coach] Patrick [Mouratoglou] keeps telling her, ‘Focus focus focus.’ The aim is getting her to win her 24th Grand Slam.’“

Meghan when she realizes that everyone is gonna call her a jinx:

This was when Serena was losing her match.

This was when Serena was losing her match.

Meghan sat alongside Serena’s husband, Alexis Ohanian, Serena’s mother, and Anna Wintour who’s the editor-in-chief of VOGUE.

Meghan Reportedly Flirting with Serena’s Husband, Alexis



I was told something rather shocking.

“Meg hit on her husband Alexis Ohanian. Making a pass at him is the correct way of saying it.”

That really shocked me because you wouldn’t think she would do that. Or would she? I mean she doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to her past relationships considering she dropped everyone after whatever connection they served her was accomplished.

Read more about how Meghan dropped her first husband and other boyfriends:

“After the Grand Slam title, she was hugging up on him. She flirted with him which was prob why Serena’s mom was ignoring her while at the event.”



She is looking DIRECTLY at the camera like… bullseye.

A lot of people were pissed off at the way Meghan was sitting when he was approaching her because the bottom of her dress wasn’t buttoned all the way and she was practically flashing her thigh at him.


This was seen as very unprofessional because at the time, she was still part of the royal family and was representing them. You can’t look at her as a celebrity, but rather as a political figure. It’s as if Kate Middleton was sitting like that in comparison to some random celebrity from Hollywood—Camilla Cabello for example. One is a public figure that is supposed to be serving the country while the other is just a random Hollywood star. So I’m saying this because a lot of our readers will view Meghan as just another celebrity from Hollywood, but it’s important to make that distinction.

But if you notice, they didn’t sit together. She sat in the row behind him with Serena’s mother.



Now let’s get to the drama between Meghan and Serena’s mother, Oracene Price.

Serena’s mother, Oracene, Ignoring Meghan


My friend is assuming that Meghan’s flirting with Serena’s husband is probably one of the reasons why Serena’s mom was ignoring her the whole time. Oh and she was ignoring her BIG TIME. I’m about to show you guys what happened and I’m literally getting second hand embarrassment watching Meghan trying to squirm her way into some good publicity shots with Oracene who was paying her DUST.

Here’s Meghan and Oracene greeting each other and everything looks just peachy


And yet throughout the entire match, Oracene starts ignoring Meghan and doesn’t even want to look at her. Meghan then squirms awkwardly the whole time.

Oracene ignoring her:

serena mom ignoring her.gif

Meghan is clearly trying to talk to her, but she’s not even looking at her and you can tell from the way Meghan’s hands are fiddling, that it’s an awkward conversation.

Meghan turns away awkwardly and kind of just looking defeated:

meghan awkard.gif

You can literally see it in her face. “Oh sh-t, what am I gonna do?” And her smile literally fades in defeat as she turns away.

All of these clips are ONE segment, I just broke them up for you guys.

Here’s Meghan sitting awkwardly:

clapping sitting there and trying to talk to her again.gif

Meghan trying to talk to her again:

trying to talk to her again.gif

It’s literally PAINFULLY AWKWARD. I’m getting second hand embarrassment just watching this. Look at her smile fading as she continues being embarrassed by her completely ignoring her and basically not acknowledging her at all.

smile fades lmfao.gif

Sis is tiredTTT. She just wanted some cute shots that will be good for publicity.

“I ain’t fly all the way from the damn UK for this” Megs whispers to herself.

So it begs the question, what changed from Oracene greeting her with joy in her face to her completely IGNORING her?

Oh right, THIS:





People are smiling and clapping and Oracene is turned away from Meghan, obviously seems in a bad mood, and her arms are crossed. Pretty sure any body language expert can tell you that things are OFF.

“Well, Serena was losing the match that’s why she seems angry.”

And yet everyone looks fine in that photo?? Smiling and clapping?

Obviously we’re not saying this information based on a few photos. We’re being told information from sources and the public events support this information in someway.

Here’s the messages:

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What do you guys think? Were you shocked to learn that Meghan was supposedly hitting on Serena’s husband? Why do you think she would do that to begin with? What else do you think happened to make Serena’s mom look like she wants to kill her? Let me know down in the comment section below.