King Charles likely to end feud with Prince Harry, Meghan for Archie, Lilibet?

King Charles likely to end feud with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle for Archie, Lilibet?

King Charles could end his rift with younger son Prince Harry and daughter-in-law Meghan Markle for his grandchildren Archie and Lilibet, a royal expert has claimed.

According to royal expert Jennie Bond, Lilibet and Archie could help “forget bitter rows of the past” between King Charles and Harry.

The Daily Express UK quoted Jennie as saying, “Little people who are part of your bloodline and have had nothing to do with family quarrels and tensions. Utterly innocent tiny tots who deserve to know and love their grandparents.”

She went on saying, “So I can imagine that the King very much wants the chance to get to know Archie and Lilibet and to create some memories for them. The children may provide the most compelling link between Charles and Harry, and convince them both to forgive, if not forget, the bitter rows of the past.”

The fresh claims came amid reports King Charles is desperate to meet Archie and Lilibet.

King Charles has seen Archie in person only a handful of times and Princess Lilibet only once.

Earlier, royal expert Michael Cole had claimed, “Painfully aware that time is precious, the King regrets that he cannot be closer to his grandchildren Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.”

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