Prince Harry’s recent visit to Colombia has sparked a wave of discussion and speculation, particularly about his subdued demeanor and the dominant presence of Meghan Markle. Observers have noted a striking change in Harry’s public role and behavior, describing him as “lethargic” and “puppet-like,” with Meghan taking center stage in most public appearances and speeches. This shift has led to questions about Harry’s current status and identity within their public partnership, raising concerns about his autonomy and visibility as a member of the British royal family.


During their visit to Colombia, Prince Harry appeared noticeably reserved, often overshadowed by Meghan’s assertive public persona. Photographs and videos from the trip show him frequently in the background, seemingly disengaged or simply playing a supporting role. This has led to public speculation about his state of mind and well-being, with many commentators suggesting that he seems “dull” or “absent.”

This subdued presence is a stark contrast to the Prince Harry the world has known for decades. Known for his charisma and ability to connect with people from all walks of life, Harry has always been a natural public speaker and leader. His speeches at various events, especially those related to his military service and charitable work, have been well-received and often praised for their sincerity and passion.

However, during the Colombia visit, it was Meghan who took the lead in delivering speeches and engaging with the public. Her dominant role in their joint appearances has led to criticisms that she is overshadowing Harry, relegating him to a mere “accessory” or “coat holder,” as some commentators have put it.



The public’s perception of Harry and Meghan’s dynamic has been a subject of debate ever since they stepped back from their roles as senior members of the British royal family in 2020. Initially, there was a sense of optimism that the couple could carve out a new path for themselves, one that allowed them more freedom to pursue their passions and advocacy work. However, as time has passed, the public’s perception has shifted, particularly in relation to Harry’s role.

Critics argue that Meghan’s prominence and assertiveness in their joint appearances often come at Harry’s expense, casting him in a more passive role. This was evident during their Colombia visit, where Meghan’s speeches and public interactions were seen as overshadowing Harry’s presence. Her speeches, delivered with confidence and authority, have drawn mixed reactions. Some praise her for her poise and ability to articulate her views, while others see her as overstepping and diminishing Harry’s role.


The shift in dynamic between Harry and Meghan has been gradual but noticeable. In the early days of their relationship, Harry was often seen as the guiding force, introducing Meghan to royal life and the various duties that came with it. He was the one with the royal pedigree, the experience in public service, and the global recognition. However, over time, Meghan has emerged as a more dominant public figure, taking on a more assertive role in their joint endeavors.

This shift has been interpreted by some as a form of emasculation, where Harry’s once prominent role has been diminished in favor of Meghan’s growing influence. Critics argue that Meghan’s assertiveness and willingness to take the spotlight have relegated Harry to a supporting role, effectively reducing his visibility and influence in their joint public appearances.



The impact of this shift on Harry’s identity cannot be understated. As a prince and a former senior member of the British royal family, Harry has always had a clear sense of purpose and identity. His military service, charitable work, and dedication to causes like mental health and veterans’ welfare have defined him for much of his adult life.

However, since stepping back from royal duties and moving to the United States, Harry’s role has become less defined. His public appearances are often in the context of his partnership with Meghan, where he is seen as a co-star rather than a leading figure. This has led to questions about his sense of self and whether he is comfortable with this new dynamic.



Meghan’s growing influence in their partnership has been both praised and criticized. On the one hand, her ability to speak confidently on various issues and her willingness to take on a more prominent public role have been seen as strengths. She has been praised for her advocacy on issues such as gender equality, racial justice, and mental health, and her speeches often reflect her commitment to these causes.

However, her assertiveness has also drawn criticism, particularly from those who believe that she is overshadowing Harry and undermining his role. Some see her as using her platform to advance her own agenda, often at the expense of Harry’s visibility and influence. This criticism is encapsulated in the sentiment that Meghan has “grifted” from Harry’s royal status, using his title and connections to boost her own profile while relegating him to a secondary role.




The visit to Colombia has brought to the forefront the evolving dynamics of Harry and Meghan’s public relationship. Harry’s seemingly diminished role and Meghan’s assertive public presence have sparked debates about their respective identities and influence within their partnership. While Meghan’s growing influence can be seen as a positive development in terms of her advocacy and public speaking, it has also raised questions about Harry’s autonomy and visibility.

As the couple continues to navigate their new lives outside of the British royal family, the public will likely continue to scrutinize their roles and the dynamics of their partnership. For Harry, the challenge will be to find a balance that allows him to maintain his sense of identity and purpose while supporting Meghan in her endeavors. For Meghan, the challenge will be to ensure that her growing influence does not come at the expense of Harry’s visibility and influence. How they navigate these challenges will likely shape the public’s perception of them for years to come.