There are a couple of things Christopher Dean wants to get off his chest once and for all. First, no, he didn’t have a sexual relationship with his skating partner Jayne Torvill. And no, he hasn’t had an affair with his Dancing On Ice co-star judge Karen Barber either.
Yes, she spent five nights sleeping over at his house after he separated from his wife of 16 years, U.S. skater Jill Trenary, nine months ago. And, yes, his second marriage is well and truly over. But none of it has anything to do with 49-year-old Karen, who also happens to be married to the ITV1 skating show’s trainer Steve Pickavance. ‘It’s just rumour and innuendo,’ Chris insists.
Oh come on, Chris, pull the other blade.
Lasting partnership: Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean have been skating together since they were teenagers
‘People think if you’re doing that [having sleepovers]: “Well, there must be more to it than that.” But there doesn’t have to be. We [he, Karen and Jayne] have skated together since we were all 16. I’ve known her as long as I’ve known Jayne. When we competed in the British Championships, it was her and Nicky…’
He’s referring to Nicky Slater, the judge who has just been dropped from Dancing On Ice and whose relationship with Karen is, well… let’s say frosty. ‘He was an acquired taste,’ says Chris. ‘People were divided. You like or you don’t like his style.’
Do you? ‘We’ve known him a long time,’ he says diplomatically. So … back to this sleepover.
‘There can be friendships as well,’ 52-year-old Chris insists. ‘Karen will stay with Jayne, too.’
Yes, but Jayne, 53, is happily married to Phil Christensen, the father of her two young children. Chris, on the other hand, doesn’t wear a frock or a wedding ring.
I meet the Olympic gold medal-winning Torvill and Dean in a Mayfair hotel where they’re keen to talk about the DVD of the Dancing On Ice Live Tour 2010, which followed this year’s TV series filling vast arenas around the country.
This time, their version of the Bolero — in which, precariously attached to lengths of silk hanging from the ceiling, they are whisked 30 ft into the air — is the most spectacular yet. You’ll find yourself watching it through your fingers.
Jayne Torvill keeps up her strength by eating pasta between shows. Christopher Dean’s preference is for steak and baked potato.
They’re sitting propped up against one another on the sofa like two bookends. T&D. As synonymous with one another as gin and tonic. There’s a unique familiarity between them — a weird synchronicity. When D finds himself skating on thin ice, T flip-jumps him out of it.
She says to him: ‘I’ve been to your house when you lived in Buckingham and stayed the night there. My husband knew that’s where I was going. You stay at our house quite a lot.’
Gosh, they seem to like their sleepovers, these ice-skating folk. What about Chris’s wife, though?
Chris’s estranged wife and their sons Jack, 12, and Sam, ten, live in Colorado while he spends five months of the year away from them in a rented flat in Hertfordshire when he’s working on Dancing On Ice.
Family man: Christopher with his estranged wife Jill Trenary and their sons Jack and Sam, in 2002
He’s passionate about the show, but misses the boys desperately. ‘The longest bit is from January to April,’ he says. ‘But they’ll come over here for ten days. Thankfully, with the new camera phones we can see each other when we talk.’
Did Jill tire of his long absences?
‘There were other things,’ he says. ‘To some degree, part of it was spending so much time here. But it wasn’t just that, it’s more complicated. We’re in a good place now.
That’s the good thing. We’re not at war. We’re actually friends.
‘In Colorado, I now live a minute’s walk away from them and go round every day. I pick the boys up for school. Get them ready. Bring them home from school. We are best friends.’
Why divorce then?
‘It’s not as simple as one line,’ says Chris. ‘It’s lots of lines. Things I confide in to Jayne.’ He nods at Jayne. ‘She’s my person for that. At the time when things change you have to go through a warring period. Jayne and I chat on the phone every day…’
The Dancing On Ice competitors get through an average of 16 aerosols of fake tan for every round of the TV programme.
Jayne picks up the thread: ‘Sometimes it was painful for me to know things weren’t good. You just want everybody to be happy and content. When that’s not happening, it’s hard…’ And this is the thing about T&D: although both of them are uneasy talking about personal stuff, what they do say is said with such wide-eyed honesty you can’t help but believe, however cynical you might be, that the sleepovers really are, actually, as innocent as an eight-year-old’s pyjama party.
Chris continues to talk about his separation: ‘Jill still cooks. We’re a family. I’m there. That’s what I will continue to do. We’ve stayed good friends because we love the boys. Nothing feels like it’s changed for them.’
Which for one of his sons is crucially important. Jack, his oldest child, has severe learning difficulties. In extreme cases, children with profound cognitive disabilities need assistance with virtually every aspect of their lives. Jack’s difficulties are such that he will never be a skater. Does that disappoint Chris?
‘It’s never been a passion for me,’ he says. ‘We lived on rinks and watched parents push children and live vicariously through their kids. Any time we’ve witnessed that intensity through the parents, we’ve seen the kids get to about the age of 16 and say: “I can make up my own mind now.” And they walk away.
‘If I’d push them anywhere it would be to learn about music — although Jack certainly won’t be able to go there. My little one loves listening to music. I think if anything he’ll be a lead singer in a rock band. He’s got that cool charisma, but he’s too cool to have to actually sit down and learn about music.
‘Jack is just far more introverted.’
This is the first time Chris, in this, his most revealing interview, has spoken about Jack. ‘He likes his own space,’ says Chris. ‘He likes to disappear. He’s a quiet boy. You wouldn’t know he’s in the room. In the beginning, we thought he was on the autistic spectrum, but he’s not.
‘It has been hard over the years, but I think I’ve got to a place where I love him for who he is and I’m not necessarily going to be able to change him. He melts my heart and we can communicate. But it’s just not the case that I can say: “Work harder and you’ll be better.” He won’t.’
Which must have been a tough thing for Chris to come to terms with. He is enormously driven. Work is his raison d’etre.
‘I’m not good at not working. I left school at 15-and-a-half and after a week I was in the police cadets. I watched my dad get up at 5am for 30-plus years and go to work as a mining engineer. I feel it’s part of life. That’s what we do.
‘I’m far more mellow since I’ve had the boys, but I was very much an OCD person. The world around me had to be very organised. In my work, I’m very organised. I want to be prepared and that would go over into my other life. If I had a table at home like this…’ he gestures to the coffee table which is strewn with cups and saucers …‘I couldn’t cope with this.’
Christopher married French-Canadian skater Isabelle Duchesnay in 1991 but their union was short-lived
Jayne chips in. ‘You’re always doing the cushions, puffing them up. He can’t switch off. As Chris knows, I like switching off. I’m happy to finish at the studio, go back to my hotel or home and have my own space.’
During the TV series, Jayne spends from Thursday to Tuesday evenings away from her son Kieran, eight, and four-year-old Jessie.
‘The production team will say: “We’re going for dinner.” I’ll say: “No. I’m off.” I know the talk will be about skating. Chris just carries on and on.’
Since their gold medal routine to Ravel’s Bolero at the Sarajevo Olympics in 1984, Torvill and Dean have been Britain’s most popular artistic couple. Inevitably, given their mesmerising sexual chemistry, the question of ‘Did they or didn’t they once the skates were off?’ has dogged much of their careers.
Nottingham-born, they started skating with one another when T was 17 and D 16. So come on, we’re having a nice, honest chat here. Did you?
‘I remember somebody saying to me: “If you’re dating your skating partner and the relationship breaks down, you won’t have your skating partner,’’ ’ says Jayne.
‘We were very conscious the most important thing to us was the skating. We put in an awful lot of work. We wouldn’t throw it away with a relationship with each other — or with other people — because we didn’t have the time. It takes over your life.’
Chris continues: ‘You can let it. You can choose to do that or not to. For us, we were so focused, so determined with what we wanted to do. I don’t think we could have been as successful if we’d thought: “You know, I’m having fun doing this, but I’m going to go off her and party for a bit.” It took so much devotion. We put to one side all those other elements that we thought would conflict with what we needed to do. That’s how obsessed it was. It was almost like being in a monastery. It was a religion in its own way.’
Duchesnay always referred to Jayne Torvill as the ‘other woman’ during her marriage to Christopher Dean
He pauses, trying hard to find the right words to explain this thing with Jayne. ‘It’s unique,’ he says. ‘We’re not brother and sister. We’re not husband and wife. But we formed our own friendship that required much more trust than any relationship. We’ve been together longer than both my marriages lasted.’
In the early Nineties, Chris was married briefly to French-Canadian skater Isabelle Duchesnay, who was famously jealous of Jayne, referring to her as the ‘other woman’ in their marriage. Patting Jayne on the leg, Chris says now: ‘This is the one marriage that lasted.’
So, how did he cope with the eight-year separation following their retirement from professional skating in 1998?
Chris says: ‘It was huge. We did our last performance together in Vancouver, but didn’t tell anyone it was our last performance. Only we knew. I came back to England, packed up and went to the U.S. with my then wife, Jill, because we both thought there would be more opportunities for us there.
‘So, I left the country, our partnership had finished and dissolved. I’d moved into a new house and I hadn’t got a job. All of that was in the space of two weeks. I went through a big withdrawal.
‘I had a lot of depression for six months. It’s weird. I thought I was ready for it. I’d psyched myself up and suddenly everything you knew, everything you were, was gone — changed. For six months, I was scratching my head wondering: “What’s life about?” Suddenly there was no routine. No time you had to get up in the morning.’
Jayne sits nodding as she listens to Chris. ‘I remember looking forward to it,’ she says. ‘I didn’t have to get up early. I didn’t have to get up at a certain time. But the loss of routine was tough. We chatted on the phone pretty much every day. Then Dancing On Ice came up. For me, the first performance we did on the first series was frightening.
‘I had to get back into physical shape. Going to the gym is good, but it never replaces what you can do on the ice. That first series was hard. I had some comments about my appearance even from friends of mine saying things like: “Oh, I hated your hair.” But that goes with the territory. You try your best.’
On the DVD, they lead a brightly coloured cavalcade of professional skaters and celebrities from across the series in some thrilling precision skating. There are some breathtaking routines, but of course it’s Torvill and Dean who, even in their early 50s, even 26 years on from Sarajevo, make it look easy.
Classic routine: the pair famously won gold at the 1984 Winter Olympics for their Bolero
‘I can still remember the thrill of hearing the applause after our first performance on Dancing On Ice,’ says Jayne.
‘When you don’t do what you know you’re good at for a long time, you don’t know who you are, because you’re not doing your job. You’re only as good as your last performance, which was years ago. The fact people wanted to watch us skate again and wanted to applaud us was a sort of validation of who we are.’
And, finally, I begin to understand this most passionate of passionless relationships. T&D is, quite simply, who they are. One more question. Is there anyone else in Chris’s life?
‘Just my boys and this one,’ he says, again patting Jayne’s leg, which is hooked over his now.
‘I think our children are the most important thing to both of us. The commitment we have still holds, but you mature and there are other things in your life.
‘You’ve got your kids and your husband,’ he says to Jayne. ‘I’ve got my boys. As you grow, you amass your life, don’t you?’
But the last word is Jayne’s: ‘This is the most sustained relationship we’ve both had,’ she says.