The drama surrounding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle just won’t seem to stop. The latest bombshell to rock the royal family is reports that the Sussex household is approximately £480,000 in debt following their hasty relocation back to the UK last year.

Sources say Harry desperately reached out to his father King Charles III pleading for financial assistance to help cover costs associated with their new Windsor residence. However, Charles apparently refused to take Harry’s calls and left his requests unanswered.

The Sussexes’ money woes stem from being forced to vacate Frogmore Cottage, the home in Windsor gifted to them by the late Queen Elizabeth II after stepping back as senior working royals in 2020. With their sudden departure from Frogmore ordered last June, Harry and Meghan had to scramble to find a new UK home.

They ultimately settled on a £7 million mansion in the upscale village of Windsor, near the royal estate. But the unexpected move and pricey new property have reportedly left the Sussex family struggling financially. Between paying off Frogmore and maintaining their lavish new lifestyle, they are said to be over £480k in the red.

Without access to the generous public funding that once supported their royal duties, Harry and Meghan’s income is believed to fall well short of covering escalating security costs estimated at over £8 million annually. Their Netflix and Spotify deals are rumored to pay only about £3 million combined per year.

Ongoing legal battles are also a major drain, with Meghan suing a tabloid and Harry fighting the UK government over protection when visiting home. Royal biographer Angela Levin claims the Sussexes have only themselves to blame, having willingly walked away from financial support from the crown.

Charles is said to have made it clear he will not bail out the duo, with his own responsibilities now as King. The couple’s propensity for lavish spending has long faced backlash, such as the £2.4 million renovations to Frogmore funded by taxpayers.

Without assistance, the Sussex household may be forced to rely more on Meghan’s acting career going forward or the profits from Harry’s anticipated memoir, slated for release in January 2023 and rumored to be worth around £35 million.

However, experts warn the couple’s brands have taken a hit from ongoing public spats with the royal family. Future lucrative deals could now be off the table if scandals continue to be aired.

With funds running low and the well purportedly running dry, it remains to be seen if Harry and Meghan can get control of expenditures before debt spirals further. One thing is certain – tensions show no signs of easing anytime soon between the Sussexes and the House of Windsor in this ongoing royal saga.