The world knows Meghan Markle as a former royal, but before the fairy tale, she was an actress on the rise. One particularly memorable moment in her pre-royal life involved a clash with British TV personality Bradley Walsh, a clash that reportedly left both parties shaken and the public intrigued.

The incident occurred in early 2018, just before Markle’s relationship with Prince Harry was confirmed. She was a rising star, known for her role in the legal drama “Suits,” while Walsh was a beloved TV personality, known for his long-running game shows like “The Chase.” When Markle appeared as a guest on “The Chase,” it seemed like a perfect pairing, but things quickly went awry.



Multiple sources on set described a tense atmosphere, with Markle arriving with a large entourage and demanding special treatment. She reportedly made requests about dressing rooms, food, and even how her introduction should be filmed. Walsh, known for his relaxed on-set demeanor, was reportedly taken aback by her demanding nature.

The tension escalated during filming. Markle allegedly interrupted Walsh repeatedly, offering her own answers and analyses even when it wasn’t her turn. She even attempted to correct him on a trivia question, a move that reportedly did not sit well with the veteran host.

The final straw came during the final challenge round. Markle had made it through with help from her teammates but struggled with the last question. Instead of allowing her teammates to offer answers, as per the show’s rules, she snapped at Walsh, accusing him of asking an unfair question and demanding he clarify or give her another one.

This outburst was the tipping point for Walsh. In his signature no-nonsense style, he reportedly told Markle, “You know what, love, I think that’s quite enough for one day. Why don’t you head off and we’ll finish up here without you.”

The studio audience was reportedly stunned into silence. Markle, visibly embarrassed, gathered her belongings and stormed off set. The production team had to edit the episode extensively to remove her from the final cut. To this day, viewers will never see footage of Markle on “The Chase,” only references to a celebrity contestant who had to withdraw.

Rumors swirled about the incident, but Walsh, ever the professional, refused to comment publicly. He simply said, “These things sometimes happen,” and left it at that. Markle, however, reportedly lodged a complaint with the network, accusing Walsh of unprofessionalism and demanding more respect. The network, however, sided with their long-time partner, Walsh, and the complaint went nowhere.

This incident occurred just two months before Markle’s relationship with Prince Harry became public. Some speculate that this embarrassing encounter may have contributed to her eagerness to leave television behind for a royal role. The British royal family offered her a prestigious new image and a global platform.

Of course, Markle’s royal journey didn’t go as smoothly as she may have hoped. Her and Harry’s shocking departure from senior royal duties in 2020 was followed by accusations of mistreatment by the Royal Institution, including allegations of racism.

The British public remains divided on their feelings towards Meghan Markle. Supporters see her as a victim of an outdated monarchy, while critics argue she was unprepared for and inappropriate in her royal role.

Regardless of one’s opinion on Markle, it’s undeniable that her early encounter with Bradley Walsh did her no favors in the UK. Walsh remains one of the country’s most beloved entertainers, and the memory of Markle’s alleged petulant behavior lingers, serving as another mark against her image.


While the full truth of what transpired between these two personalities during that infamous taping may never be known, one thing is certain: it makes for a fascinating “what if” scenario. How might Markle’s life have played out differently if she had kept her cool that day on “The Chase”?

This story serves as a reminder that even the most seemingly perfect encounters can be fraught with tension and unexpected twists. It also highlights the enduring power of public perception and the lasting impact of a single moment in the spotlight.