Sacha Baron Cohen, here’s your answer in case you were wondering how to work with Rebel Wilson again!
Rebel Wilson is once again in the limelight with her recently released bombshell memoir, Rebel Rising. This is because the book reveals multiple secrets and allegations towards some of her fellow co-stars; all of which have pretty much caught the whole world in a storm. But of all the people, none has faced as brutal allegations as Sacha Baron Cohen.
Rebel Wilson. | Credit: @rebelwilson on IG.
That being said, the disturbing series of incidents she faced with Baron Cohen while shooting their first and last film together, The Brothers Grimsby, seem to be too harrowing for her, considering how Wilson has refused to work with Baron Cohen ever again, no matter the amount of money offered to her — even if they’re willing to pay her a billion dollars!
No Amount of Money Can Make Rebel Wilson Work Again with Sacha Baron Cohen
Following the accusations against Baron Cohen in Rebel Rising about his alleged indecent behavior with Wilson, the Pitch Perfect actress appeared on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen to further emphasize just how awfully she was affected by everything that happened.
Wilson on Watch What Happens Live. | Credit: @rebelwilson on IG.
Playing a round of Plead the Fifth during this appearance, Wilson was asked by the talk show host Andy Cohen just how much money they would have to offer her for her to finally get on board to work with Baron Cohen again after the disaster that was The Brothers Grimsby.
To this, Rebel Wilson had the most straightforward answer that only proved just how harrowed those incidents that allegedly happened on the sets of the film left her. She said:
“No money ever,” responded Wilson. “I have now a no a-holes policy with work.”
Wilson with her memoir, Rebel Rising. | Credit: @rebelwilson on IG.
That wasn’t all: Even when Andy continued to list off a number of sums in tens of millions, Wilson still stood her ground with her unwavering response. So if Sacha Baron Cohen wants to work with her again, he wouldn’t be able to — even if he offers her a billion dollars for the same!
Rebel Wilson Has Some Serious Allegations for Her Co-Star in Rebel Rising
As she mentioned in her newly released memoir, Baron Cohen’s behavior with Wilson on the sets of The Brothers Grimsby was beyond inappropriate. Not only did she accuse the actor of asking her to commit lewd acts on him, but she also shared how burdened she felt while shooting the film.
Wilson and Baron Cohen in The Brothers Grimsby.
One of these incidents listed in the book that left her humiliated, for instance, included her alleging Baron Cohen of having allegedly “pull[ed] his pants down [and saying] ‘Okay, now I want you to stick your finger up my a–.’ And I’m like, ‘What?? … No!!’” (via PEOPLE).
But since she was already on board and had to do something, she had to compromise. As Wilson said: “I was now scared. I wanted to get out of there, so I finally compromised: I slapped him on the a– and improvised a few lines as the character.”
Sacha Baron Cohen in The Brothers Grimsby.
Adding to this was how she had to film intimate scenes again and again with him because of all the reshoots. What was worse was that when she discussed this matter with her agent and lawyer, she was allegedly “encouraged to ‘be professional and finish the film.’”
Even after Sacha Baron Cohen’s team strictly refuted all these claims with “extensive detailed evidence,” Rebel Wilson still seems to be standing firm on her ground, considering how she has openly refused to work with the 52-year-old actor ever again!