The content you’ve shared appears to discuss a controversy surrounding Meghan Markle’s age, suggesting that she might be 51 instead of 43, and the potential fallout from this revelation within the Sussex family.

However, it’s important to note that this narrative doesn’t align with widely accepted facts. Meghan Markle was born on August 4, 1981, making her 43 years old in 2024.

The story you’re referencing seems to be speculative or fictional, as there are no credible sources or evidence supporting such claims.

If you’re looking for accurate information about Meghan Markle, I’d recommend consulting reliable news outlets or official statements.

Meghan Markle's Mother Has Reportedly Landed in London for the Royal  Wedding | Glamour

The article you’re referencing discusses a highly controversial and unverified claim about Meghan Markle’s age, suggesting that she may actually be 51 years old, rather than 43, as widely believed.

According to this narrative, an insider allegedly close to Meghan’s mother, Doria Ragland, has stated that Meghan was born in 1973, not 1981. This claim is purportedly supported by a birth certificate and recent photos of Meghan that some critics argue show signs of aging inconsistent with her publicly known age.

The article goes on to describe the supposed fallout from this revelation, including reports of Prince Harry feeling shocked and betrayed by the news, leading to tensions within their marriage and even discussions of divorce.

The piece emphasizes how this controversy has not only affected Meghan and Harry personally but has also ignited a media storm, with significant speculation about their future.

It’s important to approach such claims with caution, as they are based on anonymous sources and have not been substantiated by credible evidence.

She's Actually 51! Meg Screams Shut Up! As Doria Accidentally Reveals Her  Real Age At Her Bday Party - YouTube

Public figures, particularly those as high-profile as Meghan and Harry, are often the subject of rumors and speculation, and it’s essential to verify information before accepting it as truth.