X-Men ’97 premiered on Disney+ on March 20, 2024, as a continuation of the 1992 series, X-Men: The Animated Series. The revival became one of Marvel Studios’ most popular and highly praised shows of the entire Marvel catalog, delivering a nostalgic hit for longtime fans while drawing in a new following from MCU audiences. Picking up the story of the X-Men a year after the end of the original animated show, the series became one of the most-watched animated releases on Disney+.
The success of X-Men ’97 is a strong sign of things to come for Marvel Studios’ introduction of the X-Men in the live-action MCU story. This is clearly why their inclusion in the special Yule Log video is probably not surprising, as even though it does not add anything to the series, it is a way of keeping X-Men ’97 in the forefront of people’s minds. You can check out the video now on Disney+ and get your Christmas started the right way.
The X-Men Are Already in the MCU
The future of the MCU is currently very much focused on turning around the up-and-down string of releases that have made up the Multiverse Saga so far. For every high like Deadpool & Wolverine, there have been box office lows, such as The Marvels and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Now 2025 is bringing three big movies in Captain America: Brave New World, Thunderbolts*, and Fantastic Four : First Steps, but beyond that and the culmination of the Multiverse Saga in 2027’s Avengers: Secret Wars, all eyes are turning to the integration of the X-Men.
Details on how and when the X-Men will make their full debut in the MCU are scarce, but we can expect to start seeing more and more mutants turning up in other stories in the meantime. Of course, there is also the second and third season of X-Men ’97 to look forward to, although fans will seemingly have to wait until 2026 to see the first of those make its debut.