Considering they played such a pivotal role in the MCU, there’s great interest in the return of the original Avengers actors to the franchise.

Split image of Chris Evans as Captain America and Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk in the MCU

The actors that made up the original MCU roster of The Avengers are often asked about their potential returns to the franchise, each speaking to the possibility of a reunion. Since the earliest days of the MCU’s timeline of movies, the franchise has angled toward an eventual team-up of its heroes. Starting with Iron Man, Marvel introduced multiple heroes to the MCU before having them assemble to stop Loki from conquering Earth in 2012’s The Avengers.

The MCU’s original Avengers – Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye – have since been explored in numerous movies and TV shows in the MCU. Narrative developments have seen some of the franchise’s original heroes die or retire, with others taking a back seat to the MCU’s newer characters. However, due to their importance within the franchise, there is always interest in seeing the original Avengers return, and their respective actors are often asked about reprising their roles. Here is what the actor for every original Avenger has said about returning to the MCU.

7. Iron Man – Robert Downey Jr

Downey Jr. Is Open To Returning

Tony Stark emotional at the end of Avengers Infinity War

There are few figures that were as vital to the MCU’s early success as Tony Stark. The character embodied everything that made the franchise popular and also acted as the unofficial leader of the Avengers once they had assembled. Robert Downey Jr. truly made the role his own, with many considering his casting one of the most perfect choices in MCU history. Considering the popularity and importance of Iron Man, there are fans who hope to see him return to the MCU in upcoming Marvel movies.

When asked about the possibility of a future return to the franchise, Downey Jr. has given MCU fans reason to hope. Not only is the actor open to returning, but his enthusiasm for Marvel movies seems to have remained entirely intact. In an interview with Esquire Magazine, Downey Jr. described the role as an “integral part of my DNA,” making his stance on whether he would return clear by saying:

Happily. It’s too integral a part of my DNA. That role chose me. And look, I always say, ‘Never, ever bet against Kevin Feige.’ It is a losing bet. He’s the house. He will always win.

6. Captain America – Chris Evans

Evans Hasn’t Ruled Out A Return In The

Chris Evans As Captain America Standing In Front Of The Gathering Avengers Army In Avengers Endgame

Another of the MCU’s key figures, particularly in its early years, was Steve Rogers. Chris Evans portrayed Captain America in multiple movies in the MCU throughout the Infinity Saga, with the character peacefully retiring into the past at the end of Avengers: Endgame. When asked about a potential return, Evans said:

“Look, I would never say never, but I really — I’m very protective. It’s a very precious role to me, so it would have to be just right.”

Though Evans admitted he hadn’t been approached about any return in the near future, he was decidedly open to the idea due to his connection to the character. However, Evans’ answer is somewhat non-committal, demonstrating that he has the character’s best interests at heart. Even so, by Evans’ own admission, it’s not impossible that he would return as Steve Rogers at some point in the MCU’s future.

5. Thor – Chris Hemsworth

Hemsworth Appears Wary Of Outstaying Thor’s MCU Welcome

Chris Hemsworth's Thor powered up with lightning in Thor Ragnarok

Thor is perhaps one of the MCU’s more unlikely stars, as he was considered a B-list Marvel hero at best before his debut in the franchise. 2011’s Thor changed that, though, propelling Marvel’s God of Thunder to superstardom with Chris Hemsworth in the role. The Asgardian prince proved immediately popular, and went on to become one of the franchise’s founding Avengers, banding together with his fellow heroes to thwart his brother Loki’s plans.

Hemsworth has been a staple of the MCU in the years since and was the first MCU character to feature in four solo movies. Thor: Love and Thunder’s ending ushered in a new era for Thor, as he found himself caring for Gorr’s orphaned daughter, Love. With such a radical change in Thor’s circumstances, Chris Hemsworth was asked about Thor’s MCU future, leading the actor to explain:

“I don’t want to continue to do it until people are so exhausted that they roll their eyes when they see me come on the screen as that character. If an audience wants to see it, and if there’s something that we believe is exciting and fun, then great.”

Hemsworth’s words are interesting, as they speak to his awareness of Thor’s shelf-life in the MCU. The actor only wishing to return for a fresh or exciting take on the character is encouraging, as it ensures Thor’s MCU future will be interesting should his story continue. However, Hemsworth made it clear that nothing is set in stone, and the status of his return to the MCU is currently unclear.

4. Hulk – Mark Ruffalo

Ruffalo Is Not Hopeful About His Hulk Return

Mark Ruffalo's Hulk roaring before a fight in Thor Ragnarok

Despite being one of the last active members of the MCU’s original Avengers team, Hulk’s future in the franchise has been cast into doubt. The hero hasn’t featured in a solo project since 2008, when The Incredible Hulk was released to mixed critical reception. After The Avengers reimagined the character with Mark Ruffalo in the role, Hulk has become one of the MCU’s most beloved figures. Despite the huge amount of growth and narrative development Hulk has seen in the MCU, it’s unclear whether the character has a future in the franchise. Speaking with Variety, Ruffalo said:

“I’d love to do a standalone Hulk, I just don’t think that’s ever going to happen. It’s very expensive if you did a whole movie, which is why they use the Hulk so sparingly.”

Ruffalo’s sentiments are practical, but there’s a clear intention to continue with his role in the MCU. Despite his acknowledgment that Hulk’s solo movie future seems unlikely, there is an encouraging subtext to Ruffalo’s words. His consideration for the financial restraints of the character demonstrate his commitment to the MCU and to Marvel, which likely means he intends to remain a part of the franchise for the foreseeable future.

3. Black Widow – Scarlett Johansson

Johansson Has Deftly Dodged Questions About Her Return

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow making her MCU debut in Iron Man 2

Scarlett Johansson first appeared as Natasha Romanoff in the MCU in 2010’s Iron Man 2 and later went on to star in The Avengers as a founding member of the team. Black Widow proved an increasingly popular hero within the franchise, owing in no small part to her complex characterization and well-written hero arc. Despite Romanoff being killed off in Avengers: Endgame in a moment of heroic sacrifice, the possibility of her return is often speculated upon. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter regarding her return, Johansson said:

“Like a loophole? I feel like that’s kind of the end, right? Like can you come back? Could it be a vampire version of the character? Cause I’m here for that, like a zombie version, maybe.”

Johansson’s tongue-in-cheek reply seems to indicate that her return is unlikely, particularly as her character’s death was so final. Though she has not explicitly ruled out the possibility, there seems to be only a slim chance that Johansson will return to the role of Black Widow. Johansson’s concern for the narrative integrity of the MCU is commendable, though, preferring to avoid loopholes as a means of returning to the lucrative role.

2. Hawkeye – Jeremy Renner

Renner Is Keen On Returning To The MCU

Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye preparing an arrow during the Battle of New York in 2012's The Avengers

First appearing in a brief cameo in 2011’s Thor, Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye also served as one of the MCU’s founding Avengers. Despite being considerably less powerful than some of his teammates, Hawkeye earned the status of one of the MCU’s most important Avengers, owing to his continued role in multiple stories within the franchise. Despite a real-life accident causing a potential setback to Renner’s MCU future, the actor has spoken about his return. Asked whether he’d return as Hawkeye, Renner said (via Variety):

“I’m always game. I’m gonna be strong enough, that’s for sure. I’ll be ready. All those guys come to my bedside and they’ve been with me all along through this recovery, so… if they want me, they could have me. It would be something.”

Renner’s desire to return makes his MCU future seem all but certain. With the character having established himself as a mentor within the franchise, there are many more Hawkeye stories for the MCU to tell. Though the specifics of his return have yet to be confirmed, Renner’s hopeful update makes Hawkeye’s future seem much more likely.

1. Nick Fury – Samuel L Jackson

Jackson Isn’t Ready To Walk Away From Fury

Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury handing a file to Tony Stark in Iron Man 2 (2010)

Nick Fury is one of the MCU’s longest-standing surviving characters, and though he’s not technically an Avenger himself, his role in the team has always been crucial. It was Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury who was responsible for bringing the Avengers together and for helping them see the importance of learning to work together. As such, many consider him an honorary Avenger and would like to see him return alongside the original team. Speaking to Empire about Secret Invasion, Jackson said of Fury:

“I love playing him, and I love the fact that they’re opening him up to all these other possibilities and this whole life that he has. So hopefully I’m not done, and in this new phase of the MCU I’ll still be floating in and out of there somehow, some way.”

Jackson’s love of the role and of the wider MCU is plain, and it makes his return seem much more likely. The specifics of how his continued role in the franchise might work are unclear, but it’s possible he’ll continue to make cameo appearances in future Avengers movies. Whether he’ll appear alongside the original members of The Avengers in the MCU again is ultimately unknown.