The fans rally against the addition of She-Hulk in the reported mini-Avengers team in Captain America 4.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has undoubtedly noticed a slump in quality post Avengers: Endgame. Most new heroes introduced to replace the OG ones did not work well among fans. While heroes like Shang-Chi and Moon Knight shone, She-Hulk was highly criticized by fans worldwide.

According to new reports, She-Hulk may return to the MCU in the upcoming Captain America: Brave New World. As if the film was already into enough complications with its several reshoots, this report has disappointed the fans on a different level.

After her solo show, She-Hulk's future is uncertain for now

Several reasons made the Disney+ She-Hulk series a total cringe-fest with bizarre VFX all around. Although the critics were not so harsh with it, the fans declared it to be meta garbage. After such a poor reception, the fans were surprised to see her return so soon in a new MCU project.

Captain America 4 reportedly takes a huge risk with its mini-Avengers

Captain America is rumored to feature a mini-Avengers team

Since we lost most of our OG favorites after The Infinity Saga, the MCU has not been the same. It is tough to figure out who will be the heroes in the new core Avengers team. While we will get a definite answer in the upcoming Avengers 5, the Kevin Feige studio is reportedly planning to bring a mini version of the team in Captain America: Brave New World.

It was reported by a scooper HolyField News that this new team will have Sam Wilson’s Captain America, Hulk, Joaquin Torres’ Falcon, Black Panther, and She-Hulk. Another scooper Alex suggested that Wong may also appear in the film but there is no confirmation. As if the film was not “Hulk-y” enough, Tatiana Maslany’s reported addition to the cast raises more questions.

With Tim Blake Nelson and Liv Tyler coming back after The Incredible Hulk, it was expected that Captain America 4 may be a secret Hulk film in disguise. Although Mark Ruffalo repeatedly stated that he is not in the film (via Variety), his possible addition along with She-Hulk almost confirms that the story will be directly connected to the Hulk-blood storyline we witnessed in She-Hulk.

It also connects to the report that the MCU may also be working on a possible World War Hulk project. But looks like the fans are not excited to see the return of Jennifer Walters so soon.

The fans don’t care about She-Hulk enough

The fans don't want She-Hulk in Captain America 4

The Captain America trilogy is hailed as one of the best MCU movie series. It is concerning how the studio wants to play differently with this new Captain America played by Anthony Mackie. Despite the plot of Captain America 4 being heavily connected to Hulk’s lore, the fans do not want to see She-Hulk be a part of the team.

While it can be undoubtedly said that it is super hard to please the fandoms, She-Hulk also has its problems. The fans are unhappy with this new version of the superhero assemble and claim that having Shang-Chi would have been better. Take a look at some tweets:

Besides She-Hulk’s presence, a certain group of fans are also discussing Shuri’s Black Panther. Most fans cannot figure out what will be her role in the upcoming film. However, no matter how messy it sounds, it should not be forgotten that these are rumors and will make no sense until we get some official update.

Captain America: Brave New World will be released on February 14, 2025.