Virgin River Season 6, Episode 8 ‘Going Overboard’ is an episode for strong emotions—for Mel and Jack, for Mel and Doc, and even for Doc and Everett, in a surprising twist. It also, in many ways, feels like the show paying off years (or you know, in the show timeline, months) of setup in one single hour. So, what I’m saying is, it was a pretty great episode.
It also solidifies what a great decision it was for the show to just… let Mel and Jack be in Season 6. They’ve had issues, of course they had. The issues just haven’t been with each other, and that’s the way they should be in the last few weeks before their wedding. But that’s also what fans deserve after 5 seasons of drama after drama centered on these two. There are plenty of other characters who can carry the burden of the drama (and they have!) and Season 6 proves the show can work perfectly well without breaking Mel and Jack up every two seconds.
The conclusion at the end of Virgin River Season 6, Episode 8 ‘Going Overboard’ is, perhaps, the right one. Mel didn’t save Doc and Doc didn’t save Mel, though there is truth in both those statements. Perhaps, in a way, though, they saved each other. And their relationship, as much as Mel also found love and a new beginning in Jack and Doc found a second chance at the life he once failed to make work with Hope, has always been at the heart of Virgin River.
For a while there, they both forgot. Though if we have to be fair, I think we gotta say it was Mel who forgot first. Mel who got distracted by Everett, just like you get distracted by a shiny new toy. Mel didn’t understand that no one was asking her to pick and that as much as things between Everett and Doc weren’t right, she was actively making them worse by trying to minimize her relationship with Doc to prop up her new relationship with Everett.
By the end of this hour, though, it feels like she gets it, just as it feels like Doc understands his place in Mel’s life and his importance. Hopefully, that sticks. Honestly, seeing them fight might have been worse than seeing Mel and Jack fight.
Doc and Everett’s heart-to-heart in Virgin River Season 6, Episode 8 ‘Going Overboard’ being the reason Doc stops being stubborn and takes the first step Mel probably doesn’t deserve, but that a parent will always, always take was not on my bingo card. It probably wasn’t on anyone’s. And yet the fact that they can both put their issues aside for a moment, or better yet, confront them and try to get over them, not for each other, but for Mel, speaks to the kind of men they are, deep down.
Everett has always been lost, and in many ways, it’s hard not to feel bad for him. He’s spent his life waiting for something. First, for the love of his wife to come back. Then for her to return. Then for a chance to meet his daughter, to be part of her life. It’s possible to argue that he was too passive, but it’s also true that he was doing what he thought was best for the people he loved and that sometimes when you feel like you have nothing to live for, it’s easy to just… give up. That’s a relatable feeling.
For him to be the one to tell Doc that he’s not responsible for Jordan’s death and that neither is Everett, is important. They are only important for their own decisions, and Doc’s decision saved Everett and gave Mel a father—another one, because Doc has become a father to her, as well. Is one life more important than another one? Of course not, but if Doc could have, he would have saved both. He just couldn’t be in both places at once. And that is not on him. That’s just life, as sad and as heartbreaking as it sometimes is.
Things I think I think:
No, no, that was on you Mel, more than on him.
“If he wants to apologize to ME?”
Mel, I need you to stop and think here.
It’s not fine.
“If talking sense into Vernon was ever a viable option then Mel would have never come to this town in the first place.”
Are you asking the man you cheated on to move in with you Brie?
Preacher had been planning for SO LONG. I’m so sad no one’s going to taste all of that.
Good on Hope and Jack for meddling.
Brady, why are you at the jail trying to cause trouble with Jimmy? What’s the point?
Muriel’s “this is just a thing I have right now,” is both incredibly brave and probably the thing she has to tell herself.
“We also have each other.”
LOL “but they’re making bad ones” I love you Hope.
“It is kinda sweet.”
Kaia got the worst job, actually.
Mike being probably right about Jack and Brie’s parents is scary.
Hope really called Doc in with an emergency?
“I thought I would get to have two.”
That was a nice Lark moment, fine.
Okay, look, I kinda get the Everett thing. Especially if Doc had no way of knowing if he actually wanted to be alive now.
“Jordan dying wasn’t my fault. Wasn’t yours either.”
“It’s high time you forgive yourself.”
Did this conversation give me feels?
“Once you decide to give your love, even if it’s your biological child, feelings can be just as powerful.”
Denny and Lizzie were getting on my last nerve, so I’m glad they had their talk.
Sure Brady, take Lark to the wedding, I’m 100% sure that will go well.
Oh, and Jack and Brie’s parents ARE sleeping together.
And the song…
This might be the first time I truly like Everett.
Agree? Disagree? What did you think about Virgin River Season 6, Episode 8 ‘Going Overboard’? Share with us in the comments below!
Virgin River Season 6 is now available to stream on Netflix.