Sony’s Spider-Verse franchise includes a cast of great characters, several of whom would fit fantastically into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The Spider-Verse movies by Sony Animation include a wide array of brilliant characters, many of whom would fit perfectly into the MCU’s next Spider-Man trilogy. As of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’s ending, the characters in both films secured themselves as some of the best in modern superhero cinema. This is a large factor behind the immense anticipation of Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse’s story, the final installment in the trilogy, and one of many upcoming Spider-Man movies.
Not only do the Spider-Verse films work in and of themselves, but they also tie into the larger concept of the multiverse that has permeated most Marvel properties of late. This naturally spawns theories and speculation that the Spider-Verse films could tie into Marvel Studios’ franchise, specifically the MCU’s Spider-Man 4. If this was proven to be the case, the characters of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Across the Spider-Verse could lend themselves to fantastic live-action MCU adaptations.
The following list is in no particular order, be it excitement or likelihood of an MCU appearance.
10. Miles Morales
The lead Spider-Man of the Spider-Verse franchise is a highly-anticipated MCU character.
Naturally, the first character many think of as one they would desire in the MCU is the lead of the Spider-Verse films: Miles Morales. Miles Morales is undoubtedly one of the most famous Spider-Men in Marvel Comics behind Peter Parker, with his popularity having only grown in the 2010s and beyond. Offering a different cultural background to Peter, a varied cast of supporting characters, alternate Spider-Man powers, and a compelling relationship with Holland’s Parker, Miles Morales would be a fantastic inclusion in the MCU’s next Spider-Man trilogy.
9. Aaron Davis/The Prowler
Miles’ uncle would not be far behind should the young Spider-Man be adapted in the MCU.

Interestingly, Aaron Davis has already been in the MCU, though it is difficult to describe him as a “character” considering his absence since 2017. Davis appeared in two brief scenes in Spider-Man: Homecoming, played by Donald Glover. This, as well as Davis’ reference to a nephew he has living in New York, confirms him and Miles Morales as canon to the MCU. That said, Davis has not appeared since in the MCU, and Miles has not appeared at all.
Donald Glover reprised his role in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse as a variant of Aaron Davis who is already The Prowler; whether it was the MCU version is unclear.
With the groundwork of Aaron’s character already laid in the MCU, it would make sense for the character to return in the upcoming Spider-Man trilogy. If Miles was introduced as someone who befriends Peter, having a familiar if unexplored face in Glover’s Aaron Davis would be logical. This would then set the groundwork for Davis becoming The Prowler, offering an intriguing villain for the MCU’s next Spider-Man trilogy.
8. Gwen Stacy
A central character of Spider-Verse could befriend the MCU’s Peter Parker
Given that Spider-Man: No Way Home‘s ending had every single person in the MCU forget who Peter Parker is, many theorized that this would be a great vehicle to introduce more Spider-Man side characters to the franchise. The likes of Zendaya’s MJ and Jacob Batalon’s Ned Leeds do not know who Tom Holland’s Peter Parker is anymore, providing the perfect opportunity to introduce other friends of the latter from Marvel Comics. Perhaps the main two candidates include Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy, the latter a primary character in the Spider-Verse movies.
Gwen Stacy becomes Spider-Woman which could be a route the MCU decides to take to differentiate her from MJ and give the former’s relationship with Peter a different dynamic.
Now that the MCU’s Peter is without his girlfriend MJ, Gwen Stacy could be introduced as another love interest to the character. Not only would this give the next MCU Spider-Man trilogy a distinctly different feel by including a different cast alongside Holland, but it could pave the way to introduce Spider-Woman. In the Spider-Verse franchise and the comics on which they are based, Gwen Stacy becomes Spider-Woman which could be a route the MCU decides to take to differentiate her from MJ and give the former’s relationship with Peter a different dynamic.
7. Kingpin
The MCU’s major street-level villain should become an antagonist of Spider-Man.
Like Aaron Davis, Kingpin/Wilson Fisk is already an MCU character. While he faced Spider-Man in the Spider-Verse movies, the MCU’s Kingpin has long been a villain of Daredevil. However, in the next MCU Spider-Man trilogy, many are hoping to see Fisk become a villain to Peter Parker. This would fulfill many theories, wants, and desires about the MCU Spider-Man movies, and allow Vincent D’Onofrio and Tom Holland to strike up a perfect rivalry.
6. Miguel O’Hara/Spider-Man 2099
Across the Spider-Verse’s secondary antagonist should join the MCU.

In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Miguel O’Hara/Spider-Man 2099 was the leader of the Spider Society, dedicated to ensuring canon events happen to the point of going against Miles Morales. Despite his antagonistic nature in the film, Miguel is an endlessly intriguing character. Given the MCU’s multiverse is now in full flow, it would be amazing to see a variant of Spider-Man 2099 in the franchise to capitalize on his recent popularity after Across the Spider-Verse.
Canon events are footnotes in every Spider-Man’s life that make them who they are, such as the death of Uncle Ben for Peter Parker.
5. Rio Morales
Miles’ family is a likely inclusion alongside the young Spider-Man.

If Miles was introduced to the MCU, his family would not be far behind. Rio Morales’, Miles’ mother, was responsible for some of the more emotional moments of Across the Spider-Verse and could bring the same motherly vibe to the MCU. This would provide Miles’ Spider-Man with differences to Peter’s as the latter is without his parents, all while giving the MCU a compelling, easily likable character to adapt.
4. Jeff Morales
Miles’ father could be just as intriguing an MCU addition as his mother.

One of the more interesting plot points of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse was the aforementioned concept of canon events. In Sony Animation’s iteration of Miles Morales, one of his canon events was the death of his father who recently became a captain of the NYPD. This could be adapted into the MCU, offering Miles an instantly emotionally affecting backstory. Even if the idea that Jeff has to die for Miles to become Spider-Man is not included in the MCU, his relationship with his son has much to offer.
3. Tombstone
A minor antagonist of the Spider-Verse movies would fit the tone of the next MCU trilogy.

Tombstone was utilized in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse as a minor villain, one who would fit perfectly into the MCU’s upcoming movies. Many have been hoping that the MCU’s Spider-Man 4 would return the character to somewhat more grounded, personal stories after his journeys with the Avengers. This would allow Tombstone to be a great villain for Holland’s character as the former is much more small-scale than some other Spider-Man villains. Also, Tombstone would align with the rumors circling Kingpin as both are notorious New York crime bosses who could team up against Spider-Man.
2. Scorpion
Another confirmed MCU character needs to be better utilized.

Another Spider-Man: Homecoming tease that failed to come to fruition after Aaron Davis was the post-credit scene teasing Scorpion. Mac Gargan appeared in the film, with the final stinger of the story setting up his transition to become his villainous Marvel Comics alter ego. However, Scorpion is yet to be used in the MCU, instead being better depicted as a minor antagonist in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. With an actor as talented as Michael Mando already cast as Mac Gargan, his character would be a smart choice for the MCU’s next Spider-Man trilogy.
1. Liv Octavius
A Spider-Verse villain would offer a new take on an MCU character.

Perhaps the most intriguing change to Marvel Comics found in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was making Doctor Octopus a character called Liv Octavius, rather than the usual Otto Octavius. The latter has already been used in the MCU via Alfred Molina’s version of the character from Spider-Man 2, who now has a history with Holland’s Peter Parker. Therefore, introducing Liv Octavius as the MCU’s main Doctor Octopus would be a smart move from Marvel Studios.
This would allow the MCU to still include a version of Doctor Octopus only through a different lens. It would offer an interesting dynamic with Peter already being aware of the Octavius name and give an intriguing twist on the classic Spider-Man villain. This is just one way the MCU’s next Spider-Man trilogy could learn from Sony Animation’s Spider-Verse movies by introducing some intriguing characters featured in the latter.