There are many popular Marvel characters fans are eager to see get their own films, but there are also some deep cuts who deserve their moment in the spotlight. The MCU movies and TV shows have already found success with some less popular characters, so there’s hope that even some of the most obscure can find their way to the big or small screens.
10. Stingray Is An Underwater Warrior
Water-based superheroes have a difficult time resonating with audiences for whatever reason, but there’s been a recent shift after Aquaman finally gained wider acclaim through his feature films. Stingray is an unusual Marvel hero because he doesn’t have any natural powers or control over the ocean or its inhabitants.
Instead, Stingray’s an individual with a suit that makes him a serious threat. Stingray’s exoskeleton suit makes him deeply agile underwater, but he can also administer extreme electrical shocks. Walter Newell’s relationship with his suit could make for a fascinating origin story. Now that Talokan, the home of Namor, exists in the MCU, Stingray could have a home in this nation.
9. Fantomex Is An Enemy Of All Mutants
Fantomex was created to function as an anti-mutant super-sentinel by the Weapon Plus Program. Given this, he has always walked the fine line between villain and hero. In fact, he’s known for being a member of rogue teams, like X-Force and H.A.M.M.E.R.
Fantomex’s power set is quite original. On one hand, he has an external, biomechanical, nervous system, E.V.A., which he can use as a weapon. He uses “misdirections,” or extremely realistic projections, and his organic body is laced with enhancing technology. This rebel has a tragic origin, but a hardcore attitude. MCU fans would immediately love Fantomex.
8. 3-D Man Is Surprisingly Powerful
There have been different interpretations of 3D Man over the years, but the original version that involves Charles and Hal Chandler is the more creative and tragic of the takes. The Chandler brothers get exposed to Skrull radiation in one of the biggest catastrophes in Marvel. The result is that the two of them can pair their consciousness together to create a tangible superhero, 3-D Man.
3-D Man is fascinating because his existence puts Hal into a coma and 3-D Man can only operate for three hours at a time. These unusual wrinkles could turn out a movie that focuses on the consequences of superpowers, while the connection to the Skrulls could play out in connected events like Secret Invasion.
7. Nighthawk Is A Street-Level Fighter
Nighthawk might be Batman’s counterpart, but this character remains one of the lesser-known Marvel characters ever. Nabiyah Be appeared in Black Panther as Linda Johnson, a character inspired by Tilda Johson. Additionally, Tilda appeared in the second season of Luke Cage, portrayed by Gabrielle Dennis. However, these two iterations barely got screen time, and they were villainous.
In the comics, Nighthawk has an epic redemption arc that should definitely be explored in a film. Whether it is Tilda, Jack Norris, Kyle Richmond, or Joaquin Pennyworth, Nighthawk deserves to become one of the best street-level fighters in the MCU.
6. Manifold Can Travel Anywhere In The Universe
Eden Fesi, also known as Manifold, is a powerful member of both the X-Men and the Avengers who can teleport anywhere in the universe. However, Manifold is a character with deep ties to the multiverse since he’s a constant and there’s a version of him in every reality.
Subversive multiverse concepts are becoming more of the norm in the MCU. This could lead to a very trippy Marvel movie that gets into questions of identity and fate. Additionally, Manifold is also a superhero from Australia. Setting a Marvel film there would be a welcome change of scenery and help the MCU feel more global in its scope.
5. Captain Ultra Is A Superman Knockoff
Captain Ultra is a superhero from the ’70s that’s easy to overlook because of how generic the character’s name is and that he just sounds derivative of stronger characters. Given this, he’s one of the most obscure Marvel characters. The character’s vague name is somewhat accurate in this respect, since Captain Ultra has most of the abilities Superman possesses and can perform any skill at an “ultra” level.
Captain Ultra is unique due to how his powers are activated after an alien unlocks them through hypnosis. That Captain Ultra has these formidable powers repressed inside of him gives him a distinct backstory that could make for a compelling angle in a Marvel movie.
4. Urthona Is A Rival To Doctor Strange
Urthona is an extremely powerful sorcerer from the planet Gevaltu, who temporarily replaces Doctor Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme. Furthermore, Urthona considers himself to be a more suitable bearer of this honor. Steeping a character in jealousy and arrogant delusions makes for a fascinating perspective for a Marvel movie.
Since Urthona is often positioned as a threat and a possible replacement for Doctor Strange, this relationship could even be built into the film. Audiences could be teased with the possibility that Urthona usurps Wong and Strange in the Sorcerer Supreme department. It could be like Black Panther and Killmonger’s dynamic, but with magic.
3. Hepzibah Founded The Starjammers
An alien from the Mephitisoid species, Hepzibah escaped her planet after she was condemned to become food in an Imperial Banquet. Together with her fellow prisoners, she formed the Starjammers, a team of intergalactic travelers with different abilities.
Hepzibah is among those rare Marvel characters who’s never had a live-action adaptation, and it’s time to change that. This character’s alien physiology grants her superhuman attributes such as strength and speed, as well as retractable claws. Additionally, Hepzibah can emit pheromones that allow her to bend others to her will. Due to this power set and her complex backstory, a film focused on her — or even in the Starjammers — would make her a fan favorite immediately.
2. Rawhide Kid Would Be Great For A Special Presentation
A gunslinger from the 1800s with dozens of cowboy adventures to brag about, Johnny “Rawhide Kid” Bart has starred in contemporaneous comics thanks to time-traveling. He is a prominent member of teams such as the Avengers and the West Coast Avengers.
As of 2023, Rawhide Kid has never been adapted to any TV show or film. However, fans believe he has the potential to star in a Western film on his own, even if it’s for just a little while. This could be a great idea for a new Marvel Special Presentation in future MCU Phases.
1. James Michael-Starling/Omega The Unknown Deserves A Second Chance
Steve Gerber has built a reputation for creating some of the strangest characters in the Marvel Universe, such as Howard the Duck and Man-Thing. However, Omega the Unknown is definitely the writer’s most ambitious creation. The crux of Omega revolves around a young boy’s unusual connection to the alien superhuman, Omega.
Omega’s story is creative, but the character didn’t stick for Marvel. A character this moody and atypical could make for a very different and memorable Marvel film that plays more like a psychological drama. Someone like Darren Aronofsky would be the perfect choice to direct an Omega the Unknown movie.