Dargonite might be stronger than Adamantium AND Vibranium. If that’s the case, it changes everything about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

There has long been a debate within Marvel fandom about which fictional unbreakable metal is stronger: Adamantium or Vibranium. Ultimately, in the case of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the argument is pointless because, after all, there’s already a metal that exists in the films and comics that’s mightier than both: Dargonite.

If you’ve never heard of Dargonite, you’re not alone. This rarely mentioned metal is less widely used than its two more popular cousins. But it has already proved to be the strongest metal in Marvel mainstream comics — and it may have already made its presence felt in the MCU.

Updated by Jordan Iacobucci on January 29, 2024: The Marvel Cinematic Universe is on the cusp of introducing its version of the X-Men, including the iconic mutant known as Wolverine. With Wolverine inevitably comes Adamantium, which has long been absent from the MCU. While Adamantium and Vibranium are both some of the strongest metals known to the Marvel Universe, neither is quite as strong as Dargonite. What’s more, if Dargonite were to be introduced in the MCU, it could change the franchise forever, sparking a world war that could bring the entire planet to its needs.

Marvel’s Dargonite Is Stronger Than Adamantium And Vibranium

Dargonite first appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy (vol. 1) #18 by Jim Valentino, Steve Montano, Evelyn Stein, and Ken Lopez. The issue was released in 1991.

In Marvel Comics, Dargonite is a metal alloy from the future. It is believed to have been named after Dargo Ktor, the Thor of Earth-8710, a possible version of Earth-616’s 26th century. In the comics, Dargonite was demonstrated to be stronger than Adamantium when Major Vance Astro’s containment suit — made from Adamantium — was pierced by a sniper shot comprised of the alloy.

But, while Dargonite can accomplish the rare task of piercing Adamantium, little else is known about it. Because it’s named after the alternate-universe Thor, it’s possible the alloy utilizes the same Uru metal used to forge Mjolnir and Stormbreaker — the matter found at the core of a dying star. However, if that’s the case, then it’s still unclear which other ore is utilized. Debates still continue about whether Dargonite contains an Adamantium or Vibranium isotope. But, in either case, it would result in the substance becoming the only thing that can break otherwise unbreakable metals.

Thanos May Have Discovered Dargonite In The MCU

Uru is another powerful metal in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, composing Thor’s magical hammer Mjolnir.

It’s possible that Dargonite has already appeared in the MCU. In Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, Thanos and his Black Order pierce and obliterate Vibranium. The first instance of this is in Infinity War when Corvus Glaive’s weapon impales Vision’s body. Although that may not initially seem like a big deal, it’s important to consider that Ultron made Vision’s body out of the Vibranium metal alloy.

Now, while Shuri’s equipment, made from Vibranium, can also dismantle Vision’s body when she tries to remove the Mind Stone from his head, it doesn’t have the same effect. Considering that Vibranium is designed to absorb shock, Corvus’ weapon should not have been able to pierce Vision’s skin, let alone drive right through him. Likewise, while Thanos is able to pry the Mind Stone from Vision’s head, he’s also empowered by the other Infinity Stones, which means the laws of reality bent for him.

However, in Avengers: Endgame, Thanos, without any Infinity Stones fueling him, still splinters Captain America’s Vibranium shield. That should be absolutely impossible — unless Thanos’ sword is forged from something like Dargonite. Of course, it would make sense for someone as well-traveled as the Mad Titan to have combined metals to create an unbeatable weapon.

The Future Of Dargonite In The MCU

Vibranium was originally known as Anti-Metal, with the metal’s true name being revealed when the Black Panther and Wakanda were first introduced to the Marvel Universe.

If Dargonite is a metal that already exists in the MCU, it’s possible a cosmic person could forge weaponry from it. While Mjolnir was reforged in Thor: Love and Thunder for Jane Foster to wield, she or Thor would be better off making a more formidable weapon using Uru metal and Vibranium as an alloy.

However, the discovery of Dargonite opens up some scary possibilities. Given what Thanos was able to achieve with a weapon potentially made of the metal, if it were to end up in equally, or even more dangerous, hands, The Avengers may not stand a chance. Thus far, the heroes of the MCU have relied on Vibranium to get them through, but upcoming events could call for an upgrade.

Dargonite Could Cause A World War In The MCU

Adamantium first appeared in Avengers (vol. 1) #66 by Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith, Syd Shores, and Artie Simek. The issue was released in 1969.

Adamantium and Vibranium are incredibly strong, putting the world on edge. Vibranium has been in high demand in the MCU ever since Wakanda revealed its resources to the rest of the world at the end of Black Panther. Other countries have been desperately seeking Vibranium of their own — and will certainly do likewise when Adamantium is first discovered as well. Already, CIA Director Valentina Allegra de Fontaine has been assigned to find Vibranium or a worthwhile substitute for the United States’ own uses — likely by General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, who is set to appear as the villain of the upcoming film, Captain America: Brave New World. If Ross and de Fontaine were somehow able to get their hands on Dargonite via some multiversal means, it could mean that another world war is about to break out in the MCU.

With Thunderbolt Ross becoming the MCU’s new President, he would potentially use his power to assert his country’s dominance on the world scene. This would doubtlessly lead to retaliation from Namor and the people of Talokan, who are already close to declaring war on the surface world as it is. If Namor’s people were to engage in a battle against humanity, Wakanda would inevitably get involved as well, leading to the most intense global conflict in history. With two sides going to war with weapons built using this powerful new metal, Dargonite could define the future of the MCU.

Though Vibranium and Adamantium are both treated as some of the most powerful metals in existence, they have nothing against the might of Dargonite. Nearly cosmic in nature, Dargonite would have rippling effects throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe and, if introduced, could bring the world to its knees.