The Marvel Cinematic Universe has some loose plot threads dangling. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s potential second season can wrap one up.
Recently there has been speculation that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will be getting a season 2, which would help it fix a major MCU cliffhanger that has been unaddressed since season 1. As the MCU has continued to widen its scope, dangling plot threads have become more common. Setups like Shang-Chi‘s post credits scene and almost everything from Eternals have yet to be paid off, despite being teased years ago. Contrast this with the more linear teases like Thor’s hammer at the end of Iron Man 2, and it’s easy to see how the MCU timeline has changed.
Some dropped plot threads go beyond simply being a frustrating tease and end up having a negative impact on a character involved with that story. This is the case with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier‘s season 1 cliffhanger, which involves a character who has been under utilized by the MCU since their introduction. Hopefully, a possible The Falcon and the Winter Soldier season 2 can address this storyline and finally do right by this character.
The MCU Has Wasted Sharon Carter
Sharon Carter is Played By Emily Van Camp In The MCU
Sharon Carter has been a long-time ally of Captain America in the comics, first appearing back in Tales of Suspense #45 (1965) by Stan Lee, Adam Austin, and Gary Michaels. When Sharon first appeared in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, she had a smaller role, but that isn’t too unusual for a character’s first appearance. It still seemed likely that Sharon would be given a larger role at some point down the line, especially with hints that she and Steve Rogers might start up a romantic relationship like they had before in the comics.
When Sharon next appeared in Captain America: Civil War, she had a bit more to do, but she still felt mostly like a side character. However, in a story with so many characters, it still felt like there was hope for Sharon to get a big role in the future. However, after this scene, Sharon Carter didn’t show up again for five years. The consistent tease that Sharon might get something to do, only to be consistently side-lined is reminiscent of Maria Hill’s MCU journey, which ended with Hill getting unceremoniously killed off. Hopefully, Sharon can avoid a similar fate.
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Season 2 Could Utilize Sharon Carter Effectively
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Season 2 Has Yet To Be Officially Announced

After her five-year departure from the MCU, Sharon Carter turned back up in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier along with the surprising reveal that she had now become a crime lord known as the Power Broker. As the Power Broker, Sharon finally gets to have a more impactful role in the narrative, and even kills one of the main antagonists, Karli Morgenthau. After being pardoned for helping Steve Rogers, Sharon’s story ends on a cliffhanger about her planning to sell government secrets and weapons in secret.
Since then, Sharon has had another extended absence from the MCU. However, a second season of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier would allow for the exploration of Sharon’s new business ventures, and the consequences of her selling state secrets. Whether the MCU will decide to redeem Sharon Carter or have her go full villain is uncertain, but either way, it would be good for her to actually be more of a focus in a story, and get some resolution to the events set up in season 1.
Why Sharon Carter Appearing In The Falcon & The Winter Soldier Season 2 Would Make Her Story Pause Feel More Justified
Sharon Carter Hasn’t Reappeared In The MCU Since The Falcon And The Winter Soldier (2021)

The MCU needs to be careful about the number of plots it leaves dangling, especially with a cataclysmic event like Avengers: Secret Wars approaching. If the MCU doesn’t tackle Sharon Carter’s cliffhanger ending, she will end up feeling like another character with wasted potential. Luckily, the prospective changes of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier getting a second season would be the perfect way to give Sharon her due, and hopefully tie up any loose ends.