“That’s how they bring back Iron Man”: Kevin Feige Will Use the Hugh Jackman Formula to Bring Back Robert Downey Jr. into MCU and Fans Have a Good Reason to Believe It

Iron Man’s Return to the MCU Could Very Well Be in the Cards

Kevin Feige, Hugh Jackman Robert Downey Jr.

The iconic duo of Deadpool and Wolverine that will reign over cinemas in no time is all the hype right now. Hugh Jackman’s epic surprise comeback as the redoubtable X-Men worked like a charm as fans went berserk at the promise of him teaming up with Ryan Reynolds’ loudmouth mercenary. And it looks like Kevin Feige has been taking notes.

Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool and Hugh Jackman's Wolverine in Deadpool 3

With Jackman’s reprisal as Wolverine – despite the character meeting a tragic demise in James Mangold’s Logan – MCU fans are convinced that Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man will once again return to the superhero franchise, and they might be onto something.

Iron Man Can Still Make it Back to the MCU 

Kevin Feige was well aware of the implications of introducing Hugh Jackman’s adamantium-clawed mutant in the MCU. So, besides the time-traveling elements, the events in Deadpool & Wolverine take place before Logan meets his end in the 2017 film. Voila, problem solved! No clashing of timelines and no dead people coming back to life. This isn’t World War Z x Marvel.

Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, aka, Iron Man

Jackman’s well-fitted return as Wolverine, however, is also why fans are holding onto the hope that they might just get to see their beloved Iron Man again (via Cosmic Marvel on X).

In the first episode of the brand new The Official Marvel Podcast, the Marvel boss revealed how Deadpool & Wolverine could be the exemplar of reintroducing fan-favorite characters in the MCU, even those who the audience “said goodbye to once.”

“I’s very exciting to see how we can continue with the same actors in new incarnations, which is uh, great, and I think is a…peak into the future as we continue to…bring these comic book stories to life.

Fire up Jarvis because Robert Downey Jr. may end up donning the legendary Iron Man suit again.

Robert Downey Jr. is Already Onboard For A Potential Return

Now that the ever-swelling multiverse can aid the revival of previously dead characters and Downey Jr. himself is more than willing to return as Tony Stark,, nothingis stopping Feige from fulfilling fans’ wishes.

In a conversation with Esquire, the Oscar-winning actor admitted that he would “happily” reprise his role as the tech-savvy superhero who met a lamentable end in the Russo brother’s Avengers: Endgame.

Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man in Avengers: Endgame
It’s too integral a part of my DNA. That role chose me. And look, I always say, Never, ever bet against Kevin Feige. It is a losing bet. He’s the house. He will always win.

Hugh Jackman‘s return to the land of the living (technically Logan is still very much dead) – yet another X-Men integration within the Marvel Cinematic Universe – has made it abundantly clear that nothing is impossible, quite literally.

So, the Iron Man star, should he return to the MCU, would be the ultimate game-changer for Marvel. Besides, fans have already started rooting for the same, so here’s to hoping that Feige can make it happen.

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