Robert Downey Jr Humiliating a ‘Yellowstone’ Star in a $524 Million Movie Scene is an Unforgettable Role That Puts Iron Man to Shame

Robert Downey Jr. actually put his Marvel superhero to shame while brutally humiliating this ‘Yellowstone’ star in his iconic movie!

Robert Downey Jr. is one of the most sarcastic and incredibly humorous celebrities in the entertainment industry holding an inquisitively extensive knowledge of almost everything. In short, he is an impeccably witty genius and faces no problem whatsoever in bringing those very skills to light through his characters on the big screens as well — take his version of Iron Man, for instance.

Robert Downey Jr. | Credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons.

But while his remarkable performance as the Marvel superhero has launched him to such heights of extraordinary fame that his name is used synonymously with Tony Stark’s, that isn’t the only time he immaculately showcased his brilliant chops. This stands after watching him humiliate Yellowstone star Kelly Reilly in his $524 million Sherlock Holmes — one that would put even Iron Man to shame!

Robert Downey Jr. in Sherlock Holmes Could Even Put Iron Man to Shame

All around the globe, if there is one role that Robert Downey Jr. is best recognized for, it’s that of Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The impressive performance he gave as that iconic sardonic genius is one that people will forever closely connect to him.

But that isn’t the only role that the actor perfectly brought his ingenious mocking chops out to.

Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law in Sherlock Holmes.

This is because his performance as the titular character in 2009’s Sherlock Holmes waaay surpasses his portrayal of Stark; especially when it comes to a few particular scenes where he brought about his sarcasm with utmost sincerity.

For instance, the one where he brutally humiliated Kelly Reilly‘s Mary Morstan after first meeting her.

[Spoiler alert for whoever hasn’t seen the movie but intends to] This scene saw Reilly’s Mary insisting that Downey Jr.’s Sherlock tell her what he could derive about her out of the tiny details he observed about her. Little did she know how much of an expert Sherlock was.

This was because not only did he tell her about herself, but also nitpicked her past from the tiniest details.

Kelly Reilly in a still from the movie. | Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

After telling her that she’s a governess whose student, Charlie, a boy of seven, flicked ink on her today, he went on to say: A very impetuous act by the boy, but you are too experienced to react rashly, which is why the lady for whom you work lent you that necklace. Oriental pearls, diamonds, a flawless ruby; hardly the gems of a governess.

Needless to say, such eloquent details already hit the mark to quite an extent and scored him a warning glance from Jude Law‘s Watson with Mary looking clearly uncomfortable about where things were headed.

But while that much is already enough to put Downey Jr.’s Marvel superhero to shame, it was anything but the end, because Sherlock then went on to dive even deeper into Mary’s past.

Robert Downey Jr.’s Sherlock Brutally Humiliated Kelly Reilly’s Mary

Downey Jr. and Jude Law in a still from the movie. | Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

Starting to catch her off-guard for asking him to tell her what he could figure out about her, he initially said: “However, the jewels you are not wearing tell us rather more.”

What came next was brutally humiliating for the Yellowstone actress’ character as Downey Jr.’s Holmes went on to say: You were engaged. The ring is gone, but the lighter skin where it once sat suggests that you spent some time abroad wearing it proudly. That is until you were informed of its true, modest worth, at which point, you broke off the engagement and returned to England for better prospects. A doctor, perhaps?

Reilly's Mary and Law's Watson in the 2009 movie. | Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

These ardent Shamanic skills of Downey Jr.’s Sherlock perfectly earned him humiliation in return with a furious Mary splashing her entire wine on Holmes’ face. But that wasn’t all, for Sherlock had gotten one thing wrong about her character. As Reilly’s Mary said:  Right on all counts, Mr. Holmes, apart from one: I didn’t leave him…he died.

Well, for whatever it’s worth, this character of Robert Downey Jr. from his iconic $524 million movie didn’t hesitate to spill the beans and display his best skills when prompted, but also earned himself a slight bit of humiliation in return.

Despite that, it was undeniably even more iconic than perhaps all of Downey Jr.’s acts as Tony Stark spread across multiple projects from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

You can watch this very scene of the movie below (via Movieclips/YT):

Also, you can stream Sherlock Holmes (2009) on Prime Video and the Iron Man film series on Disney+.

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