Prince Harry and Meghan Markle mocked for hypocrisy-filled Columbia trip.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are being ridiculed for their hypocrisy as they embark on a trip to Columbia.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are subject to scathing attack from former GB News host Petra Morgan, as he calls out the couple for having a fake Royal trip.

The expert writes for The Sun: “Meghan and Harry aren’t real royals these days. They don’t do any actual duties for the institution which conferred their titles on them — they just line their pockets with cash in America by constantly trashing their families, and the monarchy, in the media.”

He questions: “So, what gives them the right to prance around the world pretending to be proper  royals, on quasi- official visits?”

He then identifies the faults in the trip, noting: “There are so many things wrong about this. First, the laughable hypocrisy of them going to one of the world’s most dangerous places — both the UK and US government websites warn travellers to Colombia about the elevated risk of terrorism, kidnapping, rape and robbery — after all of Harry’s whiny demands for taxpayer-funded royal security when he comes to the UK to ‘protect his family.’”

Piers the mocks: “Second, their decision to go and prop up a Colombian government that’s been bedevilled by scandal since coming to power.”