Kryptonite Has Played a Role in Most Superman Films

Kryptonite first appeared in The Adventures of Superman radio serial in 1943.
Villains such as Lex Luthor, Metallo, Titano and others have often used Kryptonite to defeat Superman.
Superman is arguably the most powerful superhero there’s ever been, and in some cases, that has plagued the character because it’s difficult for some to connect to him. Superman is almost invincible, but his most famous weakness is Kryptonite, the green rock that has been part of the character’s history since the ’40s. Therefore, the Man of Steel’s Achilles heel has gone on to play a role in many live-action versions adapting the character as a result.
Whenever Superman is around the green rock, it instantly diminishes his power and it’s a tool Lex Luthor often uses to defeat him. So many Superman films have used Kryptonite as a way to give the villain the upper hand, ranging from the 1978 Richard Donner film to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. There are a lot of classic Superman elements Gunn should take advantage of to stay true to the character, something he’s seemingly doing in his DCU film. Nonetheless, reintroducing Kryptonite is a tired trope that has been used repeatedly in the films at this point. Everyone knows what Kryptonite is, and many audience members will expect it, so Gunn has an opportunity to do something different to add some suspense.
Man of Steel Was Creative With Its Use of Kryptonite

Man of Steel is one of the few Superman films that does not feature Kryptonite.
However, Kryptonite becomes a major plot point in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice due to the events in Man of Steel.
In James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad, Bloodsport mentions he shot Superman with a Kryptonite bullet before, which could become canon in the DCU.
While most Superman films have used Kryptonite as a storytelling device to put him in harm’s way, one in particular did a nice job putting a twist on the classic weakness. To this day, Man of Steel is a very controversial Superman film because it took some major narrative swings. For starters, the 2013 film doesn’t feature Kryptonite, but it still finds a way to weaken Henry Cavill’s Superman in the film. Instead of a simple radioactive green rock weakening Superman, Krypton’s atmosphere is what does the trick.
This occurs in Man of Steel when Superman enters General Zod’s ship and later as he takes down the world engine attempting to terraform Earth into Krypton. The failed terraforming of the world engine in Man of Steel eventually led to Luthor’s discovery of Kryptonite in the Indian Ocean. Despite other mistakes made with the DCEU, Snyder was smart to leave it out of the first film then and Gunn should do something similar in his Superman film to add another wrinkle to the franchise in its latest reboot.
Superman Has Other Weaknesses Besides Kryptonite

Using some sort of magic would be an exciting way to do something no other Superman film has done before and would line up with Gunn describing Luthor as a sorcerer. Based on comments from Gunn about the film, the threats to Superman could also have more to do with those around him in an attempt to make him as relatable as ever. For instance, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice saw Luthor capture Martha Kent, which led to a surrender. Whether it’s civilians or his loved ones, putting Superman in a tough position can compellingly challenge him. Since Superman will do a lot of world-building for the new DCU, making Kryptonite a rare commodity also adds more significance to it. Therefore, leaving it out of the first Superman film and introducing audiences to a new type of threat is a far more interesting direction to go in as it looks to reignite general audience excitement for the legendary superhero.