Captain America: Brave New World will pit Sam Wilson against the Leader, Giancarlo Esposito’s mysterious character, and more MCU villains.

A new look at one of the villains in Captain America: Brave New World has been revealed through a set photo. The upcoming MCU movie is set to feature an incredible roster of villains, with Captain America: Brave New World‘s cast including The Mandalorian‘s Giancarlo Esposito in a mystery role, the return of Tim Blake Nelson as the Leader after more than a decade, and more. Now, a new set photo spotlights the distinctive look of one of the movie’s villains.
On Twitter, The Cosmic Circus shared a Captain America: Brave New World set photo of MCU Diamondback actress Rosa Salazar. The star sports striking long pink hair in the set photo. Known for movies like The Maze Runner franchise and Alita: Battle Angel, Salazar’s character should have some exciting fight scenes in the film. Diamondback connects to a supervillain team that was teased for the MCU in the past, raising excitement for the 2025 MCU movie.
Who Is Captain America: Brave New World’s Villain Diamondback?
She Has Ties To The Hero In Marvel Comics

Diamondback is a member of the Serpent Society in Marvel Comics. The villain and the team have yet to debut in the MCU; however, the supervillain group was already teased in the past. During the announcement that the MCU was working on Captain America: Civil War, Marvel played a joke on fans by releasing a fake title for the film first. That was none other than Captain America: Serpent Society, which turned out to just be a hilarious bit at the time.
However, Salazar’s Diamondback and other members of the Serpent Society are finally coming to the MCU. Previous Captain America: Brave New World set photos showed a very different look for Salazar, who sported blonde hair alongside WWE star Seth Rollins, who seemed to be portraying Cobra, the leader of the Serpent Society. Now, Diamondback looks much more in line with her comic book counterpart as the Captain America film undergoes reshoots.
In the comics, Diamondback dated Captain America — Steve Rogers — for a time. With Chris Evans out of the MCU, Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson could potentially get that romantic arc with the member of the Serpent Society. Based on how many villains are at play in the MCU movie, Sam could be helped by Diamondback, who turned against the leader of the Serpent Society in the comics after a hostile takeover of the organization. With reshoots happening, it remains to be seen how big of a role Diamondback will play in Captain America: Brave New World.