Moon Knight costume designer Meghan Kasperlik chats about bringing the iconic superhero’s many costumes to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe show.

Edited image of Meghan Kasperlik during Moon Knight interview

Meghan Kasperlik breaks down working on Moon Knight as the costume designer and the many looks she got to adapt for the hero’s Marvel Cinematic Universe debut. Following his time in the Star Wars universe, Oscar Isaac’s time with Disney was just beginning, as it didn’t take long for him to join the MCU. Isaac ended up becoming one of the new big heroes to get introduced in The Multiverse Saga, starring as Marc Spector and his other alters in the Moon Knight TV show as part of Phase 4.

Moon Knight follows the complex Marvel icon, starting the series out initially with Steven Grant, as he is tortured with missing time, discovering eventually that he has dissociative identity disorder. However, as Steven and Marc cross paths with the villainous Arthur Harrow, Isaac’s leading hero begins to learn more about himself while becoming one of the new champions in the MCU. The ending of Moon Knight also introduced a third alter from the comics in the form of Jake Lockley, leaving the MCU audience to wonder what is next.

S.R recently interviewed Kasperlik for the upcoming 4K UHD and Blu-ray Steelbook release for Falcon and the Winter SoldierMoon KnightAndor, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, as she worked on Isaac’s MCU drama as the costume designer. Throughout the interview, Kasperlik chats about bringing a lot of the iconic looks to life for Moon Knight, while also modernizing players like Scarlet Scarab, as well as if she has heard anything about Moon Knight season 2 potentially happening in the future.

Moon Knight Costume Designer Meghan Kasperlik Breaks Down Comic Representation

Moon Knight in full costume in the MCU's Phase 4

It’s absolutely incredible seeing the number of practical costumes that are on the show because with these superhero projects, sometimes, you can go one way or the other. For you, what was the most challenging aspect to get right, and can you take us through that process of adapting so many of these looks?

Meghan Kasperlik: With Oscar, it was great, he was very collaborative and we talked about everything. All the actors are very collaborative. I think [for] Steven, we had it in the first kind of fitting, but we finessed it in the second fitting, so that was something that was a lot of fun to do. I went to New York to fit Oscar and we really only worked on Steven and Marc. We worked through a lot with Stephen in the first fitting and I said, ‘Oh, do we have a little time for Marc?’ and literally, the third costume we put on, we’re like, ‘This is Marc, this is him. We’ve got it!’ With Stephen, we wanted to make sure those details were great, because his character lives in London in this area of Brixton, and it’s a cool area, but we didn’t want to make him too cool. It [was about figuring out] what was the balancing point to make it an interesting character but not too cool.

For Ethan [Hawke’s] character, Arthur Harrow, I definitely had a very long conversation with Ethan about how we both saw the character and how we can collaborate. I’ve fashioned that after a mix between a cult leader and a religious figure. It was just great to collaborate with Ethan and I showed him my ideas. He was liking so many of them and then the finessing of that was simplifying. With Layla, with May [Calamawy,] it was very important to us that we’re representing a modern Egyptian woman, so just like the revolution that has happened there and making sure that we are representing this character hasn’t lived in Egypt for a while, but representing that was important to make sure that we were crossing all of those.

On the subject of the Scarlet Scarab costume, I don’t know how many designs it went through [for the show] I know that in the comics, it’s a very, very different look. But were there any conversations about trying to make it as close as possible to the comics, or was it more of, ‘We will use the name, but we’re not going to stick so much with what originated in the comics X amount of years ago’?

Meghan Kasperlik: Scarlet Scarab went through a lot, because obviously, it’s different from the comic. It’s not a man, so it went through a lot of renditions. Even when I started building the costume, we’re like, ‘There’s a couple points that maybe can be better, we could touch it up, we could make it a little bit more.’ Because I was always trying to put in more Easter eggs and in more things, and once you start working with the actors, you see what fight training they’ve gone through, and what movements they have to do, you want to help enhance that and build it into the costume. There was discussions of taking the inspiration from the comic, and then really adapting to that. I’m really excited about how it turned out and the reception from fhe fans has been really fantastic, because of what we did.

Bringing Jake Lockley To Life For The Moon Knight Post-Credits Scene

Oscar Isaac as both Marc Spector and Jake Lockley in Moon Knight

I know that with only six episodes, there’s only so much you guys can do, but was there ever any conversation or any looks in your mind for Jake Lockley’s costume or what it could have looked like, if we had another episode? Do you have that design in your mind based on the source material that we have?

Meghan Kasperlik: With Jake, it was only ever that one little Easter egg, we were never going beyond that. So it was really important for me to make sure that I was nailing it for Jake and that iconic moment. I took a similar silhouette of what he is in the comic and he’s in the bomber jacket and the hat. So I’m like, ‘Well, I need to modernize it,’ so I use the Japanese raw denim fabric and then put a little Easter egg in that. But it was more about let’s make the audience know this is who this character is. But there was never a discussion of building him into the world any more than that, for all those people wondering about the season two, I guess!

Is Moon Knight Season 2 Happening On Disney+?

Marc Spector showing off his Moon Knight suit in the MCU

The fans did get curious when the news came out about the Blu-Ray for “Moon Knight: The Complete First Season,” so I have to ask you, have you heard about a potential second season at all?

Meghan Kasperlik: No, people have been asking me and maybe that’s why because of “The Complete First Season” of the Blu-Ray, but no, I’ve heard nothing. I’ve heard nothing about it.

Are there any other looks that you want to adapt from the Moon Knight comics after having worked on it?

Meghan Kasperlik: I think it all depends on what the story would be. Because so many times when shows say that they’re only doing one season or whatnot, then they come back, something about the story changes so much or a new character is incorporated that is not maybe necessarily thought of. Listen, if they do a season 2, I am on board. I loved it so much, but I haven’t gotten any phone calls.

A Possible Return For Future Marvel Studios Projects & What Is Next

Khonshu turning Marc Spector into Moon Knight in the MCU

Is there any chance we might see you working on something other Marvel-related or is Kevin Feige going to aim his snipers at us if we talk about it?

Meghan Kasperlik: [Laughs] I have not, I’m not doing any at the moment. I have talked to them a couple of times about things, but there’s nothing at the moment.

Outside of the world of Marvel, what are you working on right now, is there anything you can share about?

Meghan Kasperlik: I have a movie out right now called Civil War by Alex Garland, I did that film right after Moon Knight, actually. I was interviewing for it while we were filming in Jordan. Then I have a TV series with Regina King, Jeff Daniels, Lucy Liu, Diane Lane, and Tom Pelphrey, called, A Man in Full that is premiering on May 2. Currently, I’m on an HBO miniseries with the same creator of the of Marye of Easttown, he’s doing a new show.

The Power Of Moon Knight Cosplay

Dark Moon Knight image in front of starry background

Finally, when you see your work getting recreated through cosplay, how surreal is that, to be like, ‘Oh my God, these fans, you’re using this and that to create your looks that I worked on!’

Meghan Kasperlik: Cosplayers are what’s up, they know how to do fabric manipulation, 3D printing and molding. I’m just always so impressed from the fans that see every little detail on Easter eggs that I think maybe no one is going to notice. I’ve been to Comic-Con a couple of times, and I’ve done some panels and it’s just been just so phenomenal. I did one after Moon Knight and there’s a lot of Moon Knight, there’s also been some Layla and Scarlet Scarab. There’s even been an Arthur Harrow, so that’s all phenomenal; it’s really cool to see how excited people get.

About Moon Knight

Oscar Isaac as Mr. Knight on the left and as Moon Knight on the right.

When Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac), a mild-mannered gift shop employee, becomes plagued with blackouts and memories of another life, he discovers he has dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector. As Steven/Marc’s enemies converge upon them, they must navigate their complex identities while thrust into a deadly mystery among the powerful gods of Egypt.

Falcon and the Winter Soldier , Moon Knight , Andor , and Obi-Wan Kenobi will be released on 4K UHD and Blu-ray Steelbook starting April 30.