Meghan Markle issues demand to Prince Harry before considering return to UK

An expert claims Meghan has stated “one condition” to Harry regarding any future visit to the UK.

Since relocating to the US in 2020, Meghan’s visits to Britain have been rare, with the last one occurring in 2022.

It’s now reported that Meghan has told Harry she will only return if they have their own place and the necessary security.

Meghan Markle is reportedly very hesitant about returning to the UK and has set a specific condition for Prince Harry if it ever happens.

Speaking to British Tabloid The Mirror, royal expert Tom Quinn said, “Meghan has said she’s only prepared to return to England if she and Harry have a place of their own and the security they both feel is essential. Meghan will never return to the UK and stay with her husband’s relatives.”

He continued, “If the couple find a permanent home and resolve the security issue, they will want to bring their children to the UK. However, it will require significant diplomacy to ensure Archie and Lili develop a genuine relationship with their cousins George, Charlotte, and Louis.”

These comments follow Harry’s recent legal win allowing him to appeal a High Court decision regarding the level of protection for his family in Britain. Along with losing taxpayer-funded police protection in 2020, Meghan and Harry were evicted from Frogmore Cottage last June, leaving them without an official UK residence.

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