The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Deadpool & Wolverine has the chance to make up for Donald Glover’s scrapped Deadpool animated series in a few ways. Following the debut of its first trailer, anticipation is through the roof for Deadpool & Wolverine, which is the MCU’s only 2024 movie. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman’s team-up project is off to a great start, with Deadpool & Wolverine’s first trailer becoming the most-watched trailer within 24 hours ever and revealing that Loki’s TVA will play a role in bringing Wade Wilson into the MCU.
Deadpool & Wolverine will be as unapologetically R-rated as the past two movies in the franchise were. The project will be a first for the MCU, as the film will be the MCU’s first to receive an R rating and to focus on a mutant character that came from Disney’s acquisition of Fox. While Reynolds’ Deadpool franchise will continue strong, with the character likely set to appear in other upcoming MCU movies after Deadpool & Wolverine, there has been no word on the character showing up on the small screen, which would have happened in a canned series.
Deadpool & Wolverine Can Be Everything The Deadpool Show Was Supposed To Be & More
Glover’s Brand Of Humor Might Have Been Too Much For Marvel At The Time
Glover and his brother, Stephen Glover, crafted a true to the character version of Deadpool for their planned adult animated series. While the project never made it to series, footage from Glover’s canceled Deadpool show leaked online, cementing that the duo’s take on Wade Wilson fell in line with Reynolds’ portrayal. As a matter of fact, some of Reynolds’ lines from the original Deadpool were used in the test footage for the canceled animated series, perfectly fitting with the raunchy take of the show.
The footage featured Deadpool’s usual brand of humor, violent action sequences, and downright silly moments. While Glover’s Deadpool series was canceled, the Merc With a Mouth’s new movie can do right by the show’s promise. Besides the test footage, Glover shared 15 pages from a spoof script of the series’ finale, which included jokes at Marvel’s expense. As the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer revealed, Reynolds will be making jokes about the MCU and Deadpool going from the Fox universe to Marvel Studios’ hit franchise, meaning the film will touch on an aspect of the canceled Deadpool series.
Everything We Know About Donald Glover’s Cancelled Deadpool Show
Donald Glover Disputed The Reason For The Show’s Cancellation
The Deadpool animated series was announced in 2017, a year after 2016’s Deadpool. The show would have aired on FXX; however, the series was canceled in 2018. According to an official statement, the show was canceled due to “creative differences,” with FX President John Landgraf telling Variety, “They [Marvel] didn’t want to do the show that Donald and Stephen [Glover] wrote.” While Reynolds’ voice was used for the test footage of the series, there was never a voice cast attached to the show, which had received a 10-episode order. At least Deadpool & Wolverine will carry the canceled series’ soul.