The MCU was under plenty of pressure to cast the perfect live-action Spider-Man actor after the excellent performances of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. However, more than one MCU director has said they knew Holland was perfect for the role and were quickly impressed by him. In an interview with Men’s Health, Jon Watts and Joe Russo said they were impressed by Holland’s physicality, along with the charm and confidence he brought as an actor:
Watts: “He just was so young and sweet, and just charming, and then in the audition, he did a full backflip, like a standing backflip, in addition to being really great on tape… It was like watching a video of the real Peter Parker.”
Joe Russo: “He was all the things that reminded me of what I loved about Peter Parker as a kid… And he was a movie star. He had that movie-star quality… The charisma, the confidence, the energy…He entered the scene at one of the auditions by doing a flip!”
What The MCU Directors’ Comments Mean For Tom Holland’s Spider-Man

He also had a unique physicality that the directors appreciated. He could do many of his own stunts, meaning not all of Spidey’s moves needed to be CGI. Holland also has a natural charm and charisma, and he perfectly expresses Spider-Man’s quippy confidence and Peter’s delightful awkwardness. The directors clearly envisioned a young Peter Parker that looked and sounded like a teenager but still had the physical attributes of Spider-Man, and that’s exactly what they got.
Our Take On The MCU Directors’ Comments About Tom Holland’s Spider-Man

The directors are correct that Holland is a perfect Spider-Man and Peter Parker. He embodies Spider-Man’s physical traits, but also portrays his natural charm and stubborn heroism. He is easily on the same level as Maguire and Garfield, even if they excel at other aspects of this character. Holland is returning for Spider-Man 4, meaning the MCU wants Spider-Man to be an important part of the MCU’s future.
Holland’s early casting as Spider-Man also means the character can grow and age as the actor does, though it’s unclear what Peter’s future is. Holland is currently 28 and will be 30 when the next film debuts. Peter is just starting college in the MCU, meaning Holland is well over Peter’s MCU age. Unless the MCU wants to age him up, Holland may only have a few appearances left before Marvel needs to decide his MCU future.