The Avengers will need all the help they can get to fight Kang in Avengers 5, and one powerful hero may have the perfect multiversal tool.
The Avengers will need help battling against Kang in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, and Ms. Marvel and The Marvels collectively tease a huge power upgrade for one hero that may be crucial. When Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones in Avengers: Endgame, it took the combined knowledge of Tony Stark and team Ant-Man to develop the time-travel technology needed to win. Kang’s gimmick is multiversal travel, so it may take a new combination of heroes to give the Avengers a chance.
Fortunately, one of the strongest Avengers has recently displayed a new power level that perfectly fits the conditions of traveling the multiverse. She, plus a few other heroes with a particular set of skills, seem specifically positioned to help Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in the fight to come. Captain Marvel may not only be strong; she may be strong enough to hop between realities.
Ms. Marvel Explained The Requirements For Interdimensional Travel
In Ms. Marvel, Kamala finds herself up against Najma and the other Djinn of the ClanDestines. While the young hero is familiar with aliens, monsters, and superheroes, the possibility of beings from another dimension is novel for her to the point she doesn’t immediately believe it can be true. Fortunately, Kamala’s friend and confident Bruno explains what it would take for someone to hop from one reality to another.
Bruno reveals that it’s “for sure possible to achieve interdimensional travel,” but that one would need “the base energy of the Sun” to pull it off. It’s unclear how a high school student has an understanding of interdimensional travel, but Bruno turns out to be right. The comment didn’t mean much in the context of the show itself, but after the events of The Marvels, Bruno’s specific wording may be more important than it first seemed.
Captain Marvel Proved She Possesses The Power Of A Sun
While “the power of the Sun” may seem like a generic term for a lot of energy, Reddit user xDumpweed182x points out that, in The Marvels, it’s Dar-Benn absorbing the power of the Sun that causes a tear in space. However, JoeCoolsCoffeeShop takes this further and points out how Carol also re-ignites the dead star of Hala, potentially meaning she can produce enough energy to create portals through realities herself.
The Space Stone-powered hero could be instrumental in following Kang through various timelines.
It’s possible that this was an accidental coincidence in wording between the two projects. However, given how interconnected Ms. Marvel and The Marvels are, it certainly seems reasonable that the development is an intentional through-line teasing even more power for Carol Danvers. If so, the Space Stone-powered hero could be instrumental in following Kang through various timelines.
Every MCU Hero With Powers To Help Battle Kang Across The Multiverse
If Captain Marvel can harness her raw power to travel between dimensions, she’d join a handful of other heroes with skills particularly relevant to fighting Kang. While heroes like Hulk and Thor may have incredible raw strength, that may be of little use when Kang can simply cause havoc from another timeline of the multiverse. As of now, six heroes (and the currently dead and currently villainous Scarlet Witch) have abilities to traverse realities.
However, the addition of Captain Marvel would be important as several of the established timeline-traveling heroes powers come with big drawbacks. Strange, for example, risks danger and corruption by dreamwalking. It’s unclear if Loki can leave his throne at the end of time to engage with reality. The Watcher has taken an oath not to interfere (though he’s already broken it), and America Chavez is still learning to control her abilities. Carol’s powers, as teased by Ms. Marvel and The Marvels, could offer much-needed strength and stability to the Avengers’ upcoming team.
Ms. Marvel season 1, The Marvels , and every other MCU movie and TV show are available to stream on Disney+.