Prince Harry’s comments about Queen Camilla in his memoir deeply upset King Charles, leading to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s eviction from Frogmore Cottage.

Charles evicted Harry from Frogmore over Camilla 'villain' attacks: report

Prince Harry’s comments about Queen Camilla in his memoir Spare deeply affected King Charles, according to a Royal insider. King Charles felt that Harry had “crossed a line” and considered it an “ultimate act of disrespect”.

Harry’s claims about the King’s wife apparently led to the eviction of the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex from Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, according to The Mirror. The eviction happened soon after the release of Harry’s memoir in January 2023.

Harry, in his book Spare, referred to Camilla as “the Other Woman” and “wicked stepmother” while mentioning her more than 60 times in the book. This deeply impacted the 75-year-old monarch, according to the publication.

A Royal Family insider told the publication that the King had acted decisively after receiving a dossier of findings from Spare. The source added that it was the “last straw” as Harry knew Camilla was a sensitive issue for his father but disregarded it.

“It was the last straw. Harry was well aware how Camilla would be a red line for his father and he crossed with flagrant disregard anyway. The King felt without a doubt it crossed a line – it was the ultimate act of disrespect,” the insider said.

More accusations in Harry’s memoir

Harry’s memoir has apparently opened a Pandora’s Box for the Royal Family as the Duke made numerous accusations against his own family, including against brother Prince Wiliam.

In the book, Prince Harry claims that he had to pretend to be his elder brother’s best man at William’s wedding to Kate Middleton. William didn’t want Harry to give a speech. Calling him the best man was a “bare-faced lie” to divert media attention from William’s two close friends, Harry claimed in the book.

Harry was officially named the best man at William and Kate’s 2011 wedding. The younger brother travelled with William to Westminster Abbey. But, he claims in the book that it was all for show. William’s friends, James Meade and Thomas Van Straubenzee, gave the traditional speech while Harry was only asked to introduce them.