With Marvel Animation preparing to tease their upcoming slate at D23, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige’s iconic cap fashion choice has teased an all-new costume for Peter Parker in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Created by Jeff Tramell and seeing Hudson Thames reprise the role of Peter Parker from What If..?, the upcoming animated series envisions Spider-Man’s early career in a universe where another, less altruistic billionaire guided Parker. Alongside the introductions of several iconic Marvel Comics figures including the Osborns and Nico Minoru, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man will see Charlie Cox once more reprise the role of Matt Murdock.
While Screen Rant is present on the D23 floor to discuss the future of X-Men 97, What If…? and other projects from the Marvel Animation Sneak Peek panel at 12:45PM, a meeting between a fan and Feige at Disneyland may have shared an early glimpse at one of the panel’s offerings.
In a photo shared by Morgan Binnix on Twitter above, Feige can be seen wearing a cap featuring a logo presumably for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. The logo on the new cap features both the traditional red webbed design for Spider-Man’s mask and a white design.
How Spider-Man’s White Costume Could Fit Into Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Spider-Man’s White Costume Debuted In A Significant Comic Crossover
With Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man confirmed to have a presence at the Marvel Animation Sneak Peek panel, many fans may be quick to speculate what Spider-Man’s white suit could mean for the future. With both it and the upcoming Fantastic Four: First Steps set in alternate timelines to the main MCU’s Sacred Timeline, the Baxter Building residents may be established in the animated series’ world, leaving room for an adaptation of his Future Foundation costume. The team was formed in the wake of tragedy with the brightest young minds to solve the world’s problems.
Furthermore, the full costume resembling the Future Foundation suit has already been previewed in early promotional material for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man when the series was titled Spider-Man: Freshman Year. During San Diego Comic-Con 2022, the suit was featured alongside designs for the traditional red and blue costume, an all-black Steve Ditko-inspired suit, and two alternate personas for Peter Parker. As such, one arc for the series may see Peter considering what team or friendship works best for his aspirations as Spider-Man, bringing him to the Baxter Building.
While it has its close ties to the MCU and familiar cast members, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is still a mystery to many fans in terms of direction. With the culmination of the Multiverse saga drawing near, and Deadpool and Wolverine and Fantastic Four: First Steps introducing familiar yet new worlds, certain teams and characters’ counterparts in various universes are being seen more and more across various projects. As such, if the animated series introduces the Future Foundation alongside its Spider-Man, it will be a huge bonus to see Reed Richards, Sue Storm, and Ben Grimm make an early animated MCU appearance.