Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was already the perfect conclusion to James Gunn’s trilogy, but his recent comments on Rocket make it even better.
James Gunn recently spoke about one of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3‘s lines before explaining its hidden depth. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was the perfect conclusion to the Guardians’ story, offering some of the MCU’s most emotional moments. Though every Guardian got a good amount of attention, the movie heavily focused on Rocket’s journey, and made it clear the story had been about him all along. Gunn’s recent comments add even more depth to Rocket’s arc in the trilogy.
James Gunn recently offered an explanation for the “It’s Rocket, Rocket Raccoon” line on Threads. This was in response to the line being featured on Wheel of Fortune. Gunn initially spoke about discussing the trilogy’s arc with Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, before taking a moment to explain its hidden meaning:
I said to Kevin Feige before Vol 3 came out – Can you believe we’ve spent all this time, effort, blood & tears & hundreds of millions of dollars creating an epic trilogy that is essentially the origin of how a character came to be known as “Rocket Raccoon”? […] But, within that: “Rocket” is the part of our selves we create – our dreams and work and actions. “Raccoon” is what we are and can’t change. We’re all a combination of these two things. The secret is finding the balance and knowing what’s what!”
Gunn makes it clear that Rocket’s line isn’t just to include his full name from Marvel Comics, but symbolizes that Rocket has come to accept both parts of who he is. This makes the line the perfect capstone for Rocket Raccoon’s three-movie arc.
Why Rocket Didn’t Like To Be Called A Raccoon
The Character Railed Against The Moniker In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
In Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket insists he isn’t a raccoon when Peter Quill says he is. At that moment, Rocket is rejecting the part of himself that Gunn describes as what he is and can’t change about himself. More thematically, Rocket’s aversion to being called a raccoon is a reflection of his unwillingness to accept his tragic past. But Rocket can’t change what happened to Lylla, Teefs, and Floor any more than he can change that he’s a raccoon.
When Rocket eventually learns to confront and accept his past, he is ready to embrace his identity as a raccoon as well, taking it as his second name. When Rocket Raccoon says the line is just as important as what he says. He says it to the High Evolutionary after finally defeating him, which is Rocket confronting his past. Rocket accepting himself and his past is his ultimate victory. It’s also what makes him ready to be the leader of the team at the very end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.