This Marvel actor just cant seem to stand 3D at all. Ironic, isn’t it?

Technological advancements have drastically affected the working of the entertainment industry, with CGI and 3D effects being used in pretty much every live-action project, be it movies or TV series. This especially includes films from major superhero franchises, like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has produced some of the most intense VFX projects like the Avengers saga.

Marvel's heavily CGI-affected Avengers saga.

Marvel’s heavily CGI-affected Avengers saga

However, surprisingly enough, one Oscar-nominated actor from one of the best pre-Avengers films, who had one of the most prominent side roles in Captain America: The First Avenger, has openly admitted that he can’t stand 3D. This actor is none other than Stanley Tucci, who even seems to have claimed that he finds it humiliating to work with the same, let alone enjoy working with it!

Pre-Avengers Actor Stanley Tucci “Can’t Stand 3D”

For all the people who work in the entertainment industry, CGI and similar visual effects have become something commonly required to bring planned projects to life. Especially for those connected to major superhero franchises, this is like a regular step used in making the projects.

Stanley Tucci. | Credit: Martin Kraft/Wikimedia Commons.Stanley Tucci

But for Stanley Tucci, who played Dr. Abraham Erskine in Captain America 1, things aren’t the same. If anything, he simply can’t stand 3D and similar modern technological stuff that is absolutely required in today’s day and age for all those mammoth franchises.

During an adventure with BBC, The King’s Man actor shared the same, saying: “I can’t stand 3D, I really can’t. I don’t work shooting in 3D.”

That said, Tucci also expressed how the process of making it is “not fun” and that “nobody will tell you it’s so fun shooting in 3D.”

Continuing, he further shared how, instead of finding it enjoyable, he finds it “so humiliating,” saying: “We were all dressed in stupid outfits. It was pretty funny sitting around in chairs, everybody with little caps on, tight spandex things with little balls all over you. I’m not kidding. It’s so humiliating!”

Tucci in Captain America.

Tucci in a still from Captain America 1

Okay, that most certainly sounds embarrassing, we’ll give Tucci that. But while the difficulty and frustration attached to it is one thing, at the same time, The Lovely Bones actor also admitted how amazing it all results in.

Stanley Tucci Still Finds the End Results “Amazing”

During the same interview, Tucci further emphasized his point on why the entire process of working with these visual effects advancements was so hard while making Jack the Giant Slayer, saying: “We had a lot of difficulty with the cameras, they broke down a lot and the crew was cursing them. When you’re sitting around for 13 hours a day in soaking wet leather doublets, and you maybe get two shots off a day, it’s kind of frustrating.”

Tucci in Jack the Giant Slayer.

Tucci in a still from Jack the Giant Slayer

Needless to say, that does sound frustrating, considering just how much one has to tolerate just for all of those advanced modified procedures’ final results. But while working so hard on it is one thing, The Devil Wears Prada star has no problem with what it all eventually results in.

As he shared during the same interview: “I’m happy to go watch it. […] Ultimately it looks amazing and you have to be patient.”

Well, for what it’s worth, as long as the end result pays off, then the hard work, frustration, and humiliation just may be all worth it!

You can watch Tucci in Captain America: The First Avenger on Disney+.