The elevator fight scene holds a special meaning for Chris Evans.

Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr and Chris Hemsworth MCU

Captain America: The Winter Soldier can only be described as a masterpiece. The film perfectly exemplifies the Russo Brothers’ genius, showcasing excellent storytelling, fight sequences like no other, Oscar-worthy acting, and unparalleled cinematography. It was as though the entire cast and crew were in a harmonious dance, with everyone playing their part and doing their best to make one of the best films to come out in the MCU.

Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

There are several iconic scenes throughout the duration of the 2014 film. However, there is one scene that stood out for Chris Evans due to a very specific reason; In an elevator full of people, Cap was on his own for the very first time.

One of the Most Iconic Scenes From Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The fight sequences in Captain America: The Winter Soldier are award-winning, to say the least. They have been regarded as some of the best in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. From the fight on the bridge, where Bucky was unmasked, to the final battle in the skies, every single fight stands out on its own. However, there is one specific scene that fans cannot help but keep looking back on.

Chris Evans in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Almost halfway into the film, Steve Rogers walks out of Director Pierce’s office in S.H.I.E.L.D. and enters an elevator full of Hydra soldiers. What should have been a simple ride down to the ground floor, turns into one of the most iconic fight sequences in the entire film. The mask the Hydra was wearing to operate in S.H.I.E.L.D. gets ripped off, and the brutal reality is right in front of Captain America.

A still from the elevator fight scene on Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Marvel Entertainment

Additionally, the scene gives a lot of hints about Steve’s capabilities. His intellect is put out in the open, and his skills as a soldier who is skeptical of those around him are evident. The entire sequence takes place in an enclosed space, and ten people are targeting one man.

The forced proximity and the fact that Steve comes out of it perfectly fine are just some of the reasons why fans love this scene so much.

Chris Evans Also Has A Big Reason For Loving The Elevator Fight

While fans have several reasons to love the elevator fight sequence from the film, it would seem that Chris Evans has a very different reason that makes a lot of scenes. During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he was asked to reveal his favorite scene from his entire time in the MCU. Interestingly enough, he was quick to name the beloved elevator scene.

I’m partial to that fight scene in the elevator. That was the first scene we shot in the second Captain America movie. It was my first time working with the Russos.

The Winter Soldier elevator scene

Evans explained his reasoning for picking the scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, stating that it was the scene to be shot from the movie. With this, the scene made him realize that he was on his own for the very first time.

It was the first time where it felt like Cap was kind of on his own. The first Cap movie, you really feel like everyone was holding my hand, in the first Avengers movie I just did my best to not get in the way. 

He voiced how Captain America: The First Avenger was just Steve Rogers being guided by everyone on what he should be doing. When it came to 2012’s Avengers, it involved Rogers on the sidelines as Gods, men in robot suits, and angry green men fought aliens from space.

The second Cap movie was the one where I really felt, I suppose, pressure, and that first elevator scene came out really great in my opinion.

The elevator scene symbolized the first time Cap did not have anyone to fall back on and simply had to fight his own battles. This is why it holds a special place for Evans.