In an interview with Screen Rant, Davies teased that her final talk with the Doctor would resonate with the Time Lord. While the showrunner joked about the bittersweet ending, he praised writer Steven Moffat’s work on the episode but acknowledged that the public will have certain knowledge ahead of time that the Doctor won’t be alone forever.
Oh, basically, he completely fails and is alone for the rest of eternity! [laughs] Not really, it’s a very beautiful handover that Steven’s written for us there because, of course, at the same time that you’re writing a show, the audience is equally aware of its publicity as well. You know that Varada Sethu is coming in as Belinda Chandra at the start of the new series, and all of the stories to come there.
She’s absolutely gorgeous and gives such a performance, so it’s very clearly handing over to that. It’s a slightly different introduction. We’ll talk again about it when the series rolls around in a few months, but you realize that the Doctor has taken on board Joy’s advice, and also [that] someone else has set him in motion as well. So, yes, he is actively looking for a new friend definitely.
What Davies’ Tease Means For Doctor Who Season 15
The Doctor Had Past Traumas To Break Through

However, as seen in the Doctor Who season 15 trailer, Belinda’s arrival on the TARDIS may be less voluntary than expected, with the new companion requesting the Time Lord help bring her home. As such, while Davies has teased that the pair will become friends in time, the pair may not get off to the strongest start.
Our Thoughts On Joy’s Advice For The Doctor
Joy’s Advice Is Reminiscent Of Past Lessons

Joy isn’t the first companion to ask the Doctor not to travel alone in Doctor Who’s modern run. From Catherine Tate’s Donna Noble to Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond, each friend has seen how the Doctor needs someone to help him and prevent him from crossing a line. However, while Joy’s advice may be familiar to viewers, his interactions with her and Anita and processing grief help the Time Lord grapple with his own bad habits and poor view of himself. As such, many may look forward to seeing how the Doctor’s new lease on life is seen in Doctor Who season 15.