The Marvel Cinematic Universe has brought many of the heroes from Marvel Comics to life, but they are still missing some important side characters.
The MCU may have a large roster of heroes, but many of them are missing some of their best supporting characters from the comics that would help improve their stories. Characters that aren’t superheroes often add depth to the main characters in Marvel movies. For example, Spider-Man would be far less interesting to follow if it weren’t for his relationships with Ned Leeds, MJ, and even Flash Thompson. Likewise, someone like Happy Hogan added a lot to the Iron Man movies, even if he never suited up to fight supervillains himself.
As crossovers and team-ups continue to be more regular, even in a hero’s solo movies, that hero’s side characters have stopped playing as big of a role. This is unfortunate, as it can make the world that the MCU’s heroes are fighting for feel like just a backdrop for their fights with villains. Introducing more side characters to the MCU timeline would be a great way to flesh out the world, and focus more on the human side of the heroes in upcoming MCU releases.
10. Robertson Could Balance Out J. Jonah Jameson
Robbie Robertson First Appeared In Amazing Spider-Man #51 (1967)

Robbie Robertson is instrumental in running the Daily Bugle in Marvel Comics. He is a high ranking editor, and often tries his best to temper J. Jonah Jameson’s rage. He is also a mentor to Peter Parker. Including Robbie in the MCU would give Peter a new older character for support, without just repeating the older hero helping out trope. Peter will also likely need a job, so working with Robbie as a photographer could be an option.
Seeing as the Daily Bugle of the MCU is an inflammatory web show instead of a newspaper, it seems unlikely either Peter or Robbie would work for J. Jonah Jameson in the MCU. Luckily, now that parts of Daredevil are entering the MCU, Robbie Robertson could instead be an editor at the New York Bulletin, where Karen Page used to work. Adding a job for Peter Parker – and more relationships with people who don’t know he’s Spider-Man – could flesh out his normal life more in his upcoming films.
9. Doctor Strange’s Ghost Dog Bats Would Be The Perfect Companion
Bats First Appeared In Doctor Strange #381 (2017)

The MCU’s version of Doctor Strange can be pretty stand-offish at times. Though his solo movies do a better job making him sympathetic, it would be nice to have an easy reminder of his softer side when he shows up as a cameo in other movies. The perfect solution for this would be to give him his lovable dog companion, Bats. Strange adopted Bats during his short stint as a vet, and even gave him the ability to speak via an enchantment.
After Bats’ unfortunate passing, he returns to Strange as a ghost thanks to help from Loki. This means Bats is able to fly around in spirit form, and can even possess people’s bodies similar to how Doctor Strange can. A magical flying ghost dog isn’t just a unique and fun pet, but having a cute companion would be easy shorthand for showing Doctor Strange’s good heart.
8. Magik Deserves A Second Chance At A Movie Adaptation
Magik First Appeared In Giant-Size X-Men #1 (1975)
Magik is one of the stranger X-Men, which is itself something of a high bar. While she isn’t as well-known as someone like Wolverine or Jean Grey, her unique teleportation powers and the magic she learned in Limbo make her one of the more dynamic fighters in Marvel Comics. Aside from her interesting powers, she also has an emotional backstory, having been abducted and forced to spend time in Limbo. On top of all this, she is Colossus’ sister, meaning she and him could have some nice bonding moments in the MCU should the hero also enter into the franchise.
Magik was adapted once before in live-action, but not in the MCU. She appeared in The New Mutants played by Anya Taylor-Joy, and though Taylor-Joy’s Magik was one of the movie’s saving graces, the movie itself was not well-received. An interesting character like Magik, no matter how obscure, deserves a second chance in the MCU.
7. Deadpool Should Have His Trusty Side-Kick, HYDRA Bob
Bob, Agent of HYDRA First Appeared In Cable & Deadpool #38 (2007)
Deadpool’s frequent companion, Bob, Agent of HYDRA, isn’t as imposing as he may sound. Bob simply joined HYDRA because he wanted a steady job that offered health insurance, but didn’t really buy into their hateful views. Bob eventually leaves the organization to help Deadpool, and has been an ally to him ever since. Bob contrasts with Deadpool nicely, since he can be somewhat timid and isn’t as skilled as Deadpool in combat.
Bob has technically appeared in a live-action movie before, but not in his original form. In Deadpool, Bob is simply an old mercenary friend whom Wade runs into during a fight with Ajax. Since Deadpool & Wolverine will be including many cameos, and some multiverse variants, it’s possible that Bob could return. The movie could even include a variant of Bob that is closer to his original Hydra form, either bringing back his original actor Rob Hayter, or recasting the character for the MCU.
6. Forge Could Help Replace Tony Stark As The MCU’s Genius Inventor
Forge First Appeared In The Uncanny X-Men #184 (1984)

Forge is a mutant whose abilities manifest in a very different way than usual. While many mutant abilities are more obvious superpowers, Forge’s abilities operate more subconsciously. Forge is able to recognize the mechanical potential of any object, allowing him to quickly put together powerful weapons, or useful tools for any given situation. Seeing as the MCU lost one of its most brilliant inventors, Tony Stark, Forge could potentially step up to take Tony’s place.
What’s nice about Forge’s specific powers is that they won’t make him feel like a rehash of Tony or other MCU tech whizzes like Shuri. Forge often doesn’t even know what he’s making until he gets a chance to disassemble it later on and figure out what he did. This could lead to some fun sequences where Forge simply puts something together hoping it will work, creating a sense of anticipation and tension as the audience waits to see what it will do.
5. Falcon’s Redwing Is No Substitute For The Real Thing
Redwing First Appeared In Captain America #117 (1969)
In the MCU, Sam Wilson’s Redwing is a small drone that can assist him on missions. However, in Marvel Comics, Redwing is a much more interesting side character. The original Redwing is a real falcon who shares a telepathic link with Sam. He is a loyal companion, making him worthy of fighting alongside Captain America. Redwing also has a big personality, often acting boastful and arrogant – and though these are unlikable traits in human characters, they come off as far more endearing when coming from a little bird.
Redwing being a real bird would also add a fun new dynamic to Bucky Barnes’ dislike of Sam’s sidekick. Now, instead of simply disliking a drone, he would have good reason to get frustrated with a haughty falcon. Redwing has previously referred to himself as a tactical genius, and would no doubt be able to spar with Bucky, which would be more fun than Bucky just disliking a machine.
4. Norah Winters’ Intrepid Reporting Could Be A Connecting Threat For Street-Level Heroes
Norah Winters First Appeared In Amazing Spider-Man #575 (2008)

Norah Winters is a hard-hitting – if slightly obsessive – reporter, and ger arc in the comics would also be the perfect fit for the MCU’s version of J. Jonah Jameson. Winters has partnered with Jameson before for her tabloid Threats and Menaces, and in the MCU, could easily be introduced as a producer or collaborator on Jameson’s Daily Bugle show. Winters also once convinced Spider-Man to live-stream his battles for money, which could be a more modern take on Peter’s job working for the Bugle in the MCU.
Reporter characters in New York are also a great way to connect the stories of street-level heroes working in the city. Norah Winters could appear in Spider-Man 4 as well as Daredevil: Born Again, and any other projects featuring the heroes of New York. Having shared characters like this proved to be a big benefit in the Marvel Netflix series, which shared characters like Claire Temple between the shows.
3. Thor’s Brother Balder Has Already Been Mentioned, And Maybe Cast
Balder First Appeared In Journey into Mystery #85 (1962)

Balder is typically a well-loved character among the people of Asgard, so he could introduce an interesting type of sibling rivalry with Thor if he were to show up. After all, Thor is used to being the golden child, so it would be an interesting inversion to see him feel insecure compared to his brother. Balder is also strong and invulnerable, so he could also be a good replacement of sorts for Thor if Chris Hemsworth decides to leave the MCU.
2. Alicia Masters Has So Much Heart She Once Saved The World
Alicia Masters First Appeared In The Fantastic Four #8 (1962)

Alicia Masters is a blind sculptor who lives in New York City. She is often paired up with Ben Grimm, and even helps him learn to accept himself more as The Thing. Masters is an incredibly kind character with a lot of heart and is even responsible for convincing the Silver Surfer to turn against Galactus, and as such would be the perfect side character for The Fantastic Four, who may need to remember to connect with normal people outside their superhero family.
Masters could play a unique role for The Fantastic Four in the MCU if rumors of the film’s setting are true. If Marvel’s Fantastic Four really is going to take place in the 1960s, the team will likely need to make a friend from the modern day if they are integrated into the larger MCU. Masters could both help the team learn about the modern day, and give them someone to connect with since they won’t have their relationships from the past anymore.
1. Marvel Needs To Remember Valeria Richards
Valeria Richards First Appeared In Fantastic Four #15 (1999)

If the MCU decides to include Reed Richards and Sue Storm’s children, they should remember to include them both. Typically, their son Franklin gets more attention in the comics, since he has some incredibly strong powers. However, their daughter, Valeria Richards, is just as interesting as her brother.
Valeria takes after her father, becoming one of the smartest characters in Marvel Comics. Not only would this give Reed someone to bond with over his inventions, but it would also make Valeria a possible ally to similar characters. She would likely get along with Shuri and Riri Williams, and could even be a member of the Young Avengers. The MCU would be a chance to give Valeria the focus she deserves, seeing as she generally gets less attention than her brother in the comics.