The MCU is full of subtle little details that help Marvel’s superhero franchise come across as an expansive, ever-evolving, lived-in universe.
The MCU has become a deeply interconnected franchise, not only due to the big battles between superheroes and supervillains, but also because of the subtle details that make it a constantly evolving shared universe. Throughout dozens of MCU movies and Disney+ shows, Marvel Studios has created a vast universe where countless different characters coexist, from street-level vigilantes like Daredevil to cosmic entities like Eternity. As such, the MCU’s extensive timeline is also full of huge events that affect the whole world, the whole galaxy, and sometimes the entire universe or even the entire multiverse.
At the other end of the scale, smaller clues also exhibit the MCU’s attention to detail. For instance, the gradual improvement in each of Tony Stark’s Iron Man suits of armor reveals the lessons Stark learned from every battle, and Hulk sports a tiny scar on his chest where Abomination pierced him all the way back in The Incredible Hulk. But beyond straightforward details like these, there are some subtle elements that hint at off-screen stories and showcase the MCU’s deep interconnectivity.
10. The SHIELD Agent Who Refuses Crossbones’ Orders Is Promoted Off-Screen
Cameron Klein Is Loyal To SHIELD In Captain America: The Winter Soldier And Gets Promoted Before Avengers: Age Of Ultron

9. Bruce Banner, Hank Pym, Howard Stark, And Abraham Erskine Are Revered As Real Scientists
Midtown School Of Science And Technology Pay Homage To MCU Scientists Throughout The Spider-Man Trilogy

Reed Richards’ absence in the Midtown School of Science and Technology scientists mural is a big hint at the Fantastic Four’s possible disappearance in the past.
8. Werewolf By Night Confirms The Existence Of Multiple Mythological Creatures
Fantastical Myths And Legends Exist In The MCU, According To Werewolf By Night
Just as the MCU’s Spider-Man trilogy depicts MCU scientists as real-life celebrities, Werewolf by Night confirms that creatures of myth and legend like vampires, sasquatches, mermaids, and gremlins have always been real.The monster trophies in Werewolf by Night’s Bloodstone Manor seem to be the real heads of each specimen, all of which may have been hunted by Ulysses Bloodstone at some point during his adventures. This revelation hints at a long history of dark and mystical lore inspired by real-life myths and legends that the MCU is only beginning to touch upon.
7. Bast And Kukulkan Appear In Omnipotence City
Thor: Love And Thunder Confirms That Wakanda And Talokan’s Patron Gods Still Exist

6. The Grandmaster’s Previous Champions Include Beta Ray Bill And Ares
Thor: Ragnarok Reveals That Several Famous Marvel Characters Preceded Hulk As Cosmic Gladiators
Various important cosmic characters make a blink-and-you-miss-it appearance in the form of a monument in Thor: Ragnarok. Although Hulk is Grandmaster’s latest favorite champion during the events of the movie, the statues that decorate the outside of Grandmaster’s arena reveal that the Greek god Ares, the Korbinite Beta Ray Bill, the android Bi-Beast, the monster Dark-Crawler, and the swamp monster Man-Thing had been named champions before Hulk arrived. This reference also confirms that multiple alien species exist out there and are ready to be discovered by cosmic MCU characters like Thor.
5. Damage Control Deals With The Avengers’ Battles’ Aftermath
Damage Control Shows The Repercussions Of The Avengers’ World-Saving Battles In The Spider-Man Trilogy

4. Captain America Makes Educational Videos For High Schools
Spider-Man: Homecoming Reveals Captain America’s Second Job

3. New Jersey AvengerCon Celebrates The Avengers
Ms. Marvel Shows How Much The Avengers Influence Pop Culture Within The MCU
The general public’s reaction to the Avengers’ existence was explored as early as The Avengers, and their reputation began to be damaged in Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, the Avengers’ universe-saving feats in Avengers: Endgame more than made up for their past mistakes, and Ms. Marvel’s New Jersey AvengerCon shows exactly to what degree Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have become beloved celebrities. Memorials, costumes, and merchandise that celebrate even the least Earth-oriented heroes show just how much regular humans have grown to appreciate the Avengers’ efforts.
2. Counter-Earth Inhabitants Have Their Own Language
Counter-Earth Reveals The True Size Of The MCU’s Cosmic Side In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

1. The World Is Now Filled With Minor Superhumans And Vigilantes
She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Reveals How Much The MCU’s Earth Has Changed Since The Avengers First Assembled
The rise of superheroes on Earth has been evident in the MCU, but it was only until She-Hulk: Attorney At Law put the spotlight on Z-list heroes that its true extent became clear. Technological inventions, extraterrestrial life, bio-engineering, magic, and potential mutations have become so commonplace that Jennifer Walters has been able to specialize in superhuman law. If the West Coast is filled to the brim with all kinds of superheroes, it’s possible that the whole world has a much larger number of known and obscure Marvel characters that just haven’t had the chance to make their on-screen debut yet.