Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 includes two end-credits scenes setting the stage for the MCU’s cosmic future. We break down what they mean.

Composite of Rocket Raccoon Star-Lord and Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3‘s two post-credits scenes set up the future of the cosmic side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Phase 5, 6 and beyond, leaving room for a new team of Guardians to take over from the original group. When it released in 2014, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 introduced the cosmic side of the MCU, which Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 then further explored. Other MCU movies have delved into space, like Captain Marvel and Avengers: Infinity War, but James Gunn’s film series remains a pillar of the MCU’s cosmic exploration – as proved with Vol. 3‘s credits scenes.

Writer and director Gunn has shepherded the Guardians of the Galaxy through three movies, but with the release of Vol. 3, he exits the MCU and moves on to lead the DC Universe. Still, the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 post-credits scenes pave the way for what’s next in the cosmic side of the franchise, setting up new adventures for upcoming MCU releases in a couple of different ways. Not only is there a new team following the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ending, but Star-Lord is singled out as the only character confirmed to return in the MCU timeline.

Mid-Credits Scene: The New Guardians of the Galaxy

New Guardians Team of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 running at the camera

In the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 mid-credits scene, Rocket Raccoon is sitting on a dusty planet and asking his companions about their favorite music. He’s shown with a group of other characters from the movie, most of them wearing new versions of the suits the Guardians wore during the film.

New character Phyla says her favorite artist is Britney Spears, while Kraglin chooses Garth Brooks and Cosmo says The Carpenters. Adam Warlock picks Adrian Belew, both as a solo act and as part of King Crimson, before asking Rocket about his pick. Rocket then starts playing “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone, the song Star-Lord is listening to in the opening credits scene of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1.

While the new Guardians of the Galaxy team are chatting, it becomes clear they’re on the planet for a job, to protect what appear to be Krylorians – indicating they might be on the aliens’ home planet of Krylor – from a group of beasts. While the team are listening to “Come and Get Your Love,” the Krylorians scream and flee from the oncoming beasts. Though Kraglin insists he can take them on by himself, Rocket wakes Groot, who might have been mistaken for a boulder in his new large form. Cosmo and the team look to Rocket, who gives the go ahead, and the new team charges forward to attack.

Who’s In The New Guardians of the Galaxy?

As confirmed by the Vol. 3 credits scene, the new Guardians of the Galaxy team includes:

Character Name

New Or Original Team Member

Rocket Raccoon
Original Team Member

Original Team Member

Adam Warlock
New Team Member

New Team Member

New Team Member

Cosmo the Spacedog
New Team Member

Blurp, the creature Adam Warlock acquires after killing its original Ravager owner, is also shown with the team, though since he is a pet, it’s unlikely he’s an official member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

After most of the original Guardians go their separate ways, Star-Lord makes Rocket the new leader of the team. Presumably, he’s the one who assembles the new hero roster, sticking with his long-time partner Groot, and officially adding Kraglin and Cosmo, who helped the Guardians rebuild Knowhere then saved them from the High Evolutionary’s ship. Adam Warlock starts off as an antagonist to the Guardians, but is redeemed after he’s saved by Groot, then joins the team, and brings Blurp along with him. The only character whose addition to the new Guardians of the Galaxy team isn’t explained is Phyla.

Who Is Phyla?

Kai Zen as Phyla in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3

Though Rocket only refers to the young powered girl as Phyla, it’s likely the character is Phyla-Vell, a superhero from the Marvel Comics. In the comics, Phyla-Vell is the daughter of Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel. Phyla-Vell took on the mantle of Captain Marvel in the comics, then became known as Quasar before eventually adopting the title of Martyr. The character also has a relationship Moondragon, the daughter of Drax the Destroyer. In terms of Phyla-Vell’s powers, she can fire energy blasts, and has a host of other fighting skills, like flying, super-strength, speed, agility and durability.

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Phyla is played by Kai Zen and is originally introduced on the High Evolutionary’s ship as a member of the latest race he’s engineered in an effort to create the perfect utopia. She’s saved from the High Evolutionary by the Guardians and taken to live on Knowhere under the watchful eye of Drax. At some point between the ending of the movie and the credits scene, which takes place an indeterminable amount of time later, Phyla joins the Guardians of the Galaxy team.

She’s depicted as having the ability to wield energy blasts, though it’s unclear how she got powers and if the other children of her kind have powers as well. Given Phyla doesn’t get much screen time in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, there is plenty not yet known about the adaptation of this character that is set to be revealed in future appearances.

Hopefully, a future installment will also explore the bonds between the team, especially since Phyla, Rocket, and Adam Warlock all share a complicated past that saw them at the whim of the High Evolutionary, which would be viable ground to expand on further. However, where the Guardians will next appear isn’t yet clear.

Why Is Groot So Big?

After Groot sacrificed himself at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1, he returned as a sapling and eventually grew into Baby Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, then the more fully grown version seen in the latest film. However, in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 post-credits scene, Groot is much larger than he was even in his original appearance.

That’s because this isn’t the exact same Groot who debuted in the first movie. Gunn referred to that version as the new Groot’s “father,” which explains why they don’t look exactly the same, or act the same, since “Swoll Groot” has a “more outgoing personality.” Groot’s larger form in the credits scene is a result of him continuing to grow, though it’s unclear if this is his final form or if he’ll get even bigger.

What’s Next For The New Guardians of the Galaxy?

As of now, there aren’t any more confirmed Guardians of the Galaxy movies, but that doesn’t mean Marvel Studios won’t make a Guardians of the Galaxy 4 movie. Both the Thor and Captain America series have or will continue with fourth installments, and the latter of which will do so with a new character donning the superhero’s mantle. With this in mind, a new movie with the new team introduced in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 credits scene is entirely possible.

Beyond that, it’s likely the Guardians of the Galaxy will return in Avengers: Kang Dynasty and/or Avengers: Secret Wars. Since both Avengers films feature massive threats to the universe, it’s no doubt Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will need help from the MCU’s cosmic heroes. It’s also worth noting that the MCU appears to be exploring space more in its newest installments, and that this could mean further expansion into the cosmos, which would naturally allow the new Guardians more opportunities to appear in Marvel’s upcoming series.

Will the New Guardians of the Galaxy Team Get A New Name?

In the Marvel Comics, a team is created as an offshoot from the Guardians of the Galaxy called the Annihilators. Consisting of characters like Cosmo, Silver Surfer, Beta Ray Bill, Quasar and Ronan the Accuser, the team was formed with Marvel’s cosmic heavy-hitters as a deterrent against the universe’s more formidable space-based villains. Although the new team established in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 credits scene has an almost entirely different roster, they could become the MCU’s version of the Annihilators. That said, it remains to be confirmed if the team will get a new name in the MCU.

Post-Credits Scene: Star-Lord Will Return… Where?

The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return post-credits sign on Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3

In the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 post-credits scene, Star-Lord is shown having breakfast with his grandfather, who he reunited with during the ending of the film. Peter is talking about how he’s fine mowing a neighbor’s lawn, but thinks the woman’s 45-year-old son should be doing it instead, as the man is able-bodied. Peter goes on to say it’s weird that the man watches him as he mows the lawn, and his grandfather joins in to tell Peter not to get him started. Intrigued, Peter wants to know more, but his grandfather doesn’t say anything else.

As they’re talking, Star-Lord’s grandfather is reading a newspaper, which features an article about Kevin Bacon revealing details of his alien abduction – a reference to The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. It’s a quiet, incredibly normal moment (apart from the newspaper) between grandfather and grandson, showing that Peter is connecting with his remaining relative after spending so much time adventuring through space. After the screen cuts to black, text appears stating, “The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return.”

What Does Star-Lord’s New MCU Name Mean?

The Legendary Star-Lord name comes from the Marvel Comics and is, in fact, the title of a comic series published 2014-2015 consisting of 12 issues. In the series, Star-Lord sets out on his own solo adventures, indicating that what’s next for Peter Quill in the MCU is likely to be a spinoff from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. Nothing is yet confirmed by Marvel Studios except that Star-Lord will return and, when he does, he’ll have a new name.

While James Gunn is now focused on the DCU as co-CEO of DC Studios – and writer-director of the upcoming Superman: Legacy movie – it is worth noting that he has spoken on the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 digital release about discussing a Star-Lord spinoff with MCU actor Chris Pratt. Gunn stated both parties were interested in “a story with Star-Lord on Earth trying to adapt to the environment of Earth in the same way that somebody else might try to adapt to the alien environment of outer space. He’s a fish out of water in just kind of regular water.” Perhaps most importantly, the Guardians director finished this statement with the line “so I can’t wait to see it,” suggesting this is the premise for an impending solo series.

Where Will Chris Pratt Next Appear in the MCU?

In terms of what’s next for Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the most likely next appearance of the hero is in Avengers: Kang Dynasty and/or Avengers: Secret Wars. Like the new Guardians of the Galaxy team, Star-Lord will no doubt be called on to help the Avengers when the time comes to take on Kang considering he’s the MCU’s next Thanos-level threat.

Beyond the Avengers team-ups, Pratt’s Star-Lord could potentially lead his own Disney+ series, a theatrical film set in Phase 6 (or, though it’s less likely, Phase 5) or appear in another project – such as one focused on fellow cosmic superhero Nova. That said, Star-Lord’s seeming future on Earth could well allow him to appear in a range of MCU series.

Though Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 closes with a promise of a solo appearance, it may make sense to have Quill join forces with another group down the line, especially if it allows for further exploration of the “fish out of water” aspect of his characterization as he attempts to fit in with other Earth heroes. More about Star-Lord’s future and the new Guardians of the Galaxy team will no doubt be announced in the months and years to come following the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.