Chris Evans led the Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for over a decade, which led to the actor holding an interesting MCU record. Evans is a great actor whose career began to take off in the 2000s. However, the actor was still best known for his role in comedy movies before he took on the role of Captain America in the MCU. This role saw the actor flex his range for perorming dramatic scenes, action, and becoming one of the most well-liked superheroes.
While his role as Cap made him an absolutely essential part of the Marvel movies, Evans also has claim to a record within the MCU. Samuel L. Jackson has notoriously appeared in the most MCU movies due to his role as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the man behind the Avengers Initiative, but Evans has now played two separate characters in the official MCU due to his appearance in Deadpool & Wolverine where he played Johnny Storm. And this has added to his MCU record for appearing in the most post-credit scenes.
Chris Evans Holds The MCU Record For Post-Credits Appearances
Chris Evans Appears In 7 Post-Credits Scenes In The MCU
Chris Evans first came to Marvel movies when he appeared as Johnny Storm in the 2005 Fantastic Four movie. Deadpool & Wolverine aimed to pay tribute to that film and all the other pre-MCU Marvel movies by featuring gratuitous cameos within the film. However, Evans’ role was pivotal in the picture, and the scene led to a callback moment in the film’s post-credits scene. Thanks to this appearance, Evans has now appeared in seven post-credits scenes, which is two more than the next most prolific post-credit actor, Samuel L. Jackson.
This highlights just how important the character of Steve Rogers is throughout the MCU, with most of these cameos showcasing Evans as Captain America, but now, Evans has also played multiple characters in these scenes. Whether the scenes were aimed at setting up sequels, or simply providing a quick laugh at the end, Evans has done an excellent job in delivering quality post-credits scenes that have audiences excited. And his versatility as a comedy and dramatic actor certainly adds to how effective he can be in these short scenes.
1 MCU Actor Technically Holds The Record In A Different Way
Appearing Hundreds Of Times Over
However, with the MCU, nothing is ever so straight forward, and there is a solid argument to be made for one other actor who technically appears much more. Jonathan Majors, who plays Kang the Conqueror and his many variants in the MCU, only appears in one post-credit scene from the Marvel movies. But, this scene does feature Majors as many different versions of Kang. The scene expands to reveal hundreds, or possibly even thousands of Kang’s, with slight variances in their appearance.
With the MCU now moving forward in a new direction, with Robert Downey Jr. occupying the role of the MCU’s new big bad, Doctor Doom, it is unlikely Majors will return to the role of Kang. Despite this, the actor will be able to maintain this record, likely for the foreseeable future, unless some other character has thousands of versions of themselves at their disposal. Until then, Chris Evans continues to hold the record for most separate MCU post-credits scene appearances.