In yet another episode of the never-ending Sussex soap opera, Meghan Markle managed to stir up controversy, this time in Colombia. During a recent visit with her husband, Prince Harry, the couple attended a forum on Afro women empowerment in Bogotá, Colombia. What should have been a diplomatic event quickly took a nosedive into awkward territory, with none other than the Colombian Vice President, Francia Márquez, allegedly ready to throw down after Meghan got a little too close for comfort with the VP’s husband, Rafael.
The Sussexes were in Colombia for a series of events, including a traditional music festival in the vibrant city of Cartagena. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until Meghan greeted Rafael with a kiss on the cheek. This gesture sparked what can only be described as a near diplomatic incident. Video footage from the event shows the Vice President visibly seething as she watches Meghan cozy up to her husband. Márquez looked ready to confront Meghan or perhaps even go full throttle and give her a piece of her mind—or fist—but pulled herself back just in time.
In true Meghan fashion, she didn’t stop at a simple greeting. Oh no, she went in for a full-body hug, complete with a backrub, as if she were greeting a long-lost lover rather than the husband of the Vice President. It’s no wonder that Márquez, who was initially standing off to the side, quickly positioned herself between Meghan and her husband like a lioness defending her territory. Harry, sensing the tension and perhaps familiar with this kind of situation, swiftly stepped in, grabbing Meghan’s arm and pulling her away before things could escalate.
The internet was ablaze with commentary on Meghan’s behavior, with many pointing out her history of getting a little too comfortable with other people’s husbands. From Serena Williams’s husband to Prince William himself, Meghan seems to have a habit of making a beeline for the men in the room, much to the chagrin of their wives. The VP’s reaction was one for the ages. She spun around so fast you’d think she was about to dive into the ring for a boxing match. It’s clear that Márquez wasn’t going to let this American actress steal the show—or her man.
As for Meghan, she seemed blissfully, or perhaps willfully, ignorant of the tension she had created. When the Vice President blocked her path, Meghan acted as if Márquez didn’t even exist, completely ignoring her in favor of Rafael. It’s no surprise that this kind of behavior has raised more than a few eyebrows, with many questioning what kind of married woman acts like this, especially in such a public setting. Meghan’s actions left the Vice President visibly fuming, and it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that buyer’s remorse set in pretty quickly for Márquez. After all, who invites someone to an event only to have them behave so inappropriately?
Of course, this isn’t the first time that Meghan has found herself in hot water for her interactions with other men. Whether it’s her infamous eye flash to Serena’s husband or her overly friendly behavior with Prince William, Meghan’s reputation precedes her. One can only imagine the conversation in the Márquez household after the event. Perhaps it was a good thing Harry was there to step in before things got even more out of hand.