Jon Watts had an advice for the next ‘Spider-Man’ director, but Marc Webb and Andrew Garfield’s ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ seems to prove his advice useless.

Jon Watts, Andrew Garfield, Marc Webb

Andrew Garfield’s arc as Peter Parker in his The Amazing Spider-Man film series may have come to an abrupt end when fans were expecting more, but it still lives in their hearts nonetheless. This became apparent recently when Marvel fans jumped in the picture to remind everyone of his web-slinger saga by Marc Webbs after the shooting of the stunt scenes faced some criticism.

Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker in his superhero film series.

This critical approach came from Jon Watts, the helmer of all three of Tom Holland’s movies as Parker, who recently shared some pretty bold advice for the next Spider-Man director regarding the slinging stunt scenes. But instead of gaining appreciation from fans for it, Watts instead faced criticism, with fans reminding him of how Garfield managed to pull those stunts off for his saga.

Jon Watts Has Some Bold Advice for the Next Spider-Man Helmer

Jon Watts has indeed done an epic job with his version of the friendly neighborhood superhero’s saga for Tom Holland, but he has recently garnered quite a bit of criticism from fans for his latest statements and pieces of advice for the next director of the web-slinger’s lore.

Jon Watts with Tom Holland. | Credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons.

In an interview with Collider, the Clown director shared the same, saying: “I have a very practical bit of Spider-Man advice, and I think every Spider-Man director goes through it. It doesn’t look good when someone is just swinging on a rope.”

Watts then claimed that a director helming Peter Parker’s saga shouldn’t think,‘We’re gonna do it all practical. We’re gonna get a stuntman. We’re gonna be swinging around,’ because it doesn’t look good. (Okay, but why does this sound like a direct jab at TASM?)

As the Cop Car director continued to say:

“It’s boring. It looks dumb. It looks like a monkey swinging on a vine when you put someone on just a rope. Don’t waste your time. That’s my advice to the next Spider-Man director.”

Tom Holland's swinging scenes in his own superhero film series.

Undeniably enough, that is some pretty bold advice Watts got there about the importance of using both technology as well as cinematic tricks to efficiently pull off those iconic swinging sequences.

However, what Watts is forgetting is that Marc Webb quite literally pulled off those slinging scenes through the exact same technique that Watts’ advice is asking those future directors not to do.

Surprisingly, Andrew Garfield Still Pulled off Those Scenes

Garfield swinging in a still from TASM.

As fans already know, Andrew Garfield did a majority of his stunt scenes for TASM by himself, which quite literally included him swinging from ropes and rigs created especially to give off that magical effect of the web-slinger dangling mid-air through his webs.

According to the intel shared by Popular Mechanics, Andy Armstrong, the stunt coordinator for Webb’s film series, actually created some customizable unique rig systems to help Garfield perform his slinging stunt scenes while suspended in mid-air.

For this, he initially studied the movements of gymnasts and then created a structure made of a pulley that ran wire and a crane that had the actor jumping off of it to start the swing while wearing the specially designed harness connected to the pulley.

A still from Garfield's TASM.

As Armstrong described his movement: “It’s almost like cracking a whip where it goes along, stops, goes along, stops, goes along, stops.”

That’s not all; even creating those iconic slinging scenes through the traffic required the same but slightly modified technique, which still had Garfield swinging off wires nonetheless.

Needless to say, this was some truly incredible artwork that Webb managed to come up with the help of Armstrong, and that Garfield and his stunt double had to work through. Then there was the result of all this hard work seen in the movie, which was nothing short of extraordinarily beautiful.

That being said, Watt’s statement on shooting the web-slinger’s stunt scenes now has earned him criticism from fans who are reminding him of how immaculately they pulled it off in TASM.

Fans are Now Reminding Jon Watts of TASM

The Amazing Spider-Man.

Although Watts’ advice is understandable in itself, Garfield and Webb’s hard work can’t be ignored either. This is why this recent statement from the Creative Control director has fans pointing out that his advice is flawed because Garfield and Webb managed to do it nonetheless.

Not only that but some fans have even started critiquing how Watts pulled off Tom Holland‘s swinging scenes as Peter Parker, which unarguably weren’t as memorable and breathtaking as Garfield’s because of the realisticity of the latter.

All in all, here’s what they’re saying on X:

Well, we’re sorry to say Watts, but it seems like you need to come up with some better piece of advice for the next Peter Parker director.