Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan Markle have just finished a 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga.
On the final day of their tour, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan Markle stopped at Ohinemutu village in Rotorua, New Zealand.
Duchess Meghan Markle stops at Ohinemutu village in Rotorua, New Zealand.
When entering the auditorium to attend the event, the Duchess of Sussex went barefoot like the guests, revealing a small, faint scar on her left foot. This is known to be a consequence of Meghan’s orthopedic surgery.
Princess Meghan Markle reveals after-effects of plastic surgery.
Meghan has had some pretty ugly feet in the past, so she decided to have bone surgery in 2014 to correct this defect. Kumar Kunasingam, a trauma and orthopedic surgeon at BMI Shirley Oaks Hospital, said it can take up to three months before patients can wear high heels again.
In the past, the Princess had a weakness of rather rough feet.
During the 16-day trip, the 37-year-old beauty wore a total of 40 outfits, changing 2-3 outfits a day on average, and each outfit was extremely beautiful.
According to British newspaper estimates, the total value of Princess Meghan Markle’s wardrobe during the 16-day tour was up to 117,109 pounds, including items she already had and new items.