X-Men ’97’s premiere is here with the first two episodes, featuring a collection of exciting Easter eggs to the comics and original animated series.
Marvel Studios’ X-Men ’97 has finally premiered on Disney+, and its first two episodes feature a great collection of Easter eggs and references. Not only are there connections to the original animated series, but there are also ties to the comics as well. Furthermore, there are also some key references to the MCU.
Picking up only a few short months from where the original X-Men animated series left off, the X-Men are doing their best to uphold the dream and vision of the late Professor Charles Xavier. To that end, there’s still much work to be done in the way of fostering peaceful coexistence between humanity and mutants. Featuring some exciting twists and surprise reveals after only the first two episodes, here are all the exciting Easter eggs and references to be found in X-Men ’97 episodes 1-2.
15. MCU References In X-Men ’97’s Times Square

The opening scene of X-Men ’97 episode 1 features a brief shot of Times Square in New York. Loosing closely, the iconic location features a few references to the MCU with which the animated X-Men universe seems to share. This includes the Stark Industries logo as well as VistaCorp, the company Scott Lang worked for and exposed before he became Ant-Man in the MCU.
14. WHiH World News: The MCU’s Primary News Outlet
It also seems as though the animated X-Men universe also has its own version of WHiH World News. WHiH is the primary news outlet featured in multiple MCU movies and shows dating back as early as the very first Iron Man in 2008. In recent years, it was most prominently featured in The Falconand the Winter Soldier.
13. Roberto Da Costa (Sunspot)
The new X-Men ’97 series opens with the mutant heroes saving Roberto Da Costa from the mutant-hating gang known as the Friends of Humanity. In the comics, Roberto is known as Sunspot due to his impressive solar powers. However, Roberto has yet to embrace his future as a mutant hero, preferring instead to stay under the radar and keep his abilities hidden (though that may soon change as the series continues).
12. The Daily Bugle (Spider-Man And Hellfire Gala References)

Following the X-Men’s victory at the Friends of Humanity hideout, a newspaper from the Daily Bugle is seen blowing in the wind, the classic paper from the Spider-Man franchise. To that end, one headline asks whether Spider-Man himself might be a mutant while another references the annual Hellfire Gala which is held in the original comics. This is an especially fun nod seeing as how the X-Men and Spider-Man animated series are set in the same continuity.
11. Goldballs Is An Actual Mutant
When questioning Roberto about his powers in the Danger Room, Jubilee asks if he can shoot gold balls from his body. This is in fact a reference to an actual mutant in the comics named Goldballs who can do exactly that. Real name Fabio Medina, Goldballs was created in 2013 and was originally more of a joke character who quickly became a beloved mutant in the Marvel Universe. To that end, Goldballs would later become a major player during the X-Men’s Krakoan age, joining other mutants known as The Five who helped ensure the resurrection of any mutant after death.
10. X-Men ’97 References Madripoor

During Cyclops and Jean’s discussion about Bolivar Trask and the Sentinels with the President of the United States, a reference is made to Madripoor. Known for its criminal underworld and black market dealings, the island in Southeast Asia is a classic Marvel Universe location as seen on the page. However, it also exists in the MCU and was explored in episodes of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
9. Portrait Of Xavier’s Original X-Men
Dwelling on Xavier’s death and what the future holds, Jean reminds Cyclops about their shared past as Xavier’s first students. They were also the first X-Men alongside Beast, Ice Man, and Angel. Together, they were the original five mutant heroes from the very first comics, a classic roster that was also referenced in the original X-Men animated series.
8. Storm Identified As An Omega-Level Mutant

After the X-Men tracks down Trask and his remaining Sentinels, the salvaged mutant-killing robots identify Storm as an “Omega-Level Mutant”. This is Ororo’s mutant status in the comics as well, meaning that she is a mutant whose dominant power is of the highest register and upper limits of that power’s specific classification. In other words, no one can control the weather as powerfully as Storm can.
7. X-Men ’97’s End Credits And Classic Character Profiles

X-Men ’97’s end credits feature rotating character models along with their power profiles. As such, this mirrors the end credits from the original animated series. It’s a very fun and purely nostalgic nod, one that makes this new Marvel show feel just like a continuation of the original series.
6. Previously On X-Men

In the same vein, the beginning of X-Men ’97 features an episode recap of the first episode. Additionally, it begins with the classic line “Previously, on X-Men” just like the original series. Naturally, “Previously On” was a staple of most serialized cartoons during the 90s offering quick snippets of what had come before, helping viewers to not be lost if they missed last week’s episode. While it’s still done and audibly heard with some show recaps in the modern day, it’s certainly rarer.
5. Magneto Added To X-Men Roster

Following X-Men ’97 episode 1 and the ending twist with Magneto revealing that Xavier left him everything in his will, Erik Lensherr strives to become a hero and lead the X-Men according to Xavier’s dream and values. To that end, Magneto has been subsequently added into the theme song sequence before the rest of the other X-Men’s names. As such, it’s an exciting and notable inclusion, growing beyond the theme song of the original animated series.
4. The Mutant Nation Of Genosha
Armed with Xavier’s resources and funds, one of Magneto’s first acts as a hero is to save and relocate the underground mutant tribe known as the Morlocks to the mutant island nation of Genosha. A classic X-Men location from the comics and animated series, Genosha was a sanctuary for mutants for years and was once ruled by Magneto himself (It was also featured in X-Men: Dark Phoenix). In X-Men ’97, Genosha is now on the precipice of being officially recognized by the United Nations.
3. X-Cutioner

Armed with a gun capable of neutralizing a mutant’s X-gene, the X-Cutioner is born from the ranks of the Friends of Humanity. However, the X-Cutioner is also a villain from the original comics, and both versions harbor an intense hatred for mutantkind. However, it’s unknown if the X-Cutioner will be seen again in X-Men ’97 following his capture by Magneto, though he did succeed in tragically removing Storm’s powers.
2. Jean Grey And Madelyne Pryor Clone?
The major twist in X-Men ’97 episode 2’s ending was the arrival of another Jean Grey who appears before the X-Men, not pregnant and desperately needing their help. As such, one of these Jeans is more than likely Madelyne Pryor from the original comics, a dark clone of Jean created by Mister Sinister in his goal to evolve mutantkind even further. Assuming X-Men ’97 follows the comics, the Jean who just gave birth is actually Madelyne, while this new Jean is the real deal.
1. Every Morph Transformation (Basically X-Men Cameos)

As a shapeshifter, Morph’s various transformations are X-Men cameos and Easter eggs in and of themselves. To that end, here are all of Morphs’s exciting transformations, when they happen, and who Morph turns into. However, this doesn’t include the few times he turns into one of his fellow X-Men such as Professor Xavier or Jean Grey.

Having been featured multiple times in the original animated series, Morph transforms into Warren Worthington III’s Archangel after a Sentinel attacks the still airborne Blackbird, using the former X-Men’s wings to help get the non-flyers safely to the ground. Warren was predominantly featured in the episode arcs featuring the villain Apocalypse.

A member of the Brotherhood of Mutants, Morph later turns into The Blob during episode 1’s battle with the Sentinels. Using Blob’s large body and belly as a springboard, a kinetically charged-up Wolverine (courtesy of Gambit) was launched up into the air. This allows him to decapitate the revived Master Mold Sentinel near the first episode’s end.
Lady Deathstrike

During the X-Men’s battle with the X-Cutioner, Morph turns into a collection of different mutants while fighting the villain hand-to-hand. As such, Morph first turns into Lady Deathstrike, making use of her long-fingered claws. However, the transformation doesn’t last for more than a few seconds before Morph takes a new form.

Morph turns into Colossus second, using his hardened steel skin to deflect the X-Cutioner’s incoming shots from his Sentinel cannon. Having been featured in a handful of episodes from the original show, one can only hope that the real Colossus might make an appearance at some point in future episodes of X-Men ’97.

Last but not least, Morph uses Psylocke’s form during the X-Cutioner battle in X-Men ’97 episode 2. Parrying a collection of strikes in an epic sword duel, the two continue dueling until the villain eventually breaks away to try and shoot Magneto.

In the aftermath of Storm losing her powers and her decision to leave the Xavier School, the various members of the X-Men are seen trying to reconcile with the loss in X-Men ’97 episode 2. As such, Morph is featured offering beers and chips to share with Wolverine before the two decide to spar. As such, Morph takes the form of Sabretooth, one of Wolverine’s most brutal and bitter rivals in the original X-Men animated series.