Robert Downey Jr. can possibly return as Iron Man by revealing his whereabouts during The Blip.

robert downey jr., ironman, marvel, avengers endgame

The death of Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man in Avengers: Endgame snuffed out all hopes of seeing the iconic character again in future MCU installments. Even Kevin Feige confirmed they won’t revive Tony Stark after working so hard for eleven years to give him the most satisfying conclusion.

iron man avengers endgame

Everyone just wants Stark back one way or another, but is there really a way to see him again? A new Marvel theory says yes, and this could be the ticket to bringing him back into the fold.

Disney+ Can Look Into Iron Man’s Whereabouts During The Blip

A fan from Reddit asked the question, “Was Iron Man active during the Blip?” and this opens a discussion on what exactly he was doing during the five years.

I do wonder if Tony had to face any threats or was just saving civilians (take the Ferry scene in Homecoming for example) during the 5 years. We know that he made 30 more suits in that time…

mark ruffalo in she-hulk

Indeed, he was creating suits to prepare for the final battle against Thanos, but this was not the only thing that got his hands full. In Episode 1 of Marvel Studios’ She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, fans discovered what Tony Stark was up to during the Blip. He was with Bruce Banner building a hidden lab filled with Stark technology. In the show, he said:

This is where I spent The Blip fixing myself and integrating the Hulk-Banner identities… Yeah. Tony built it for me a few years ago. Tony Stark. He used to joke that it was a loaner and that one day, he’d just swing by and take it back.

Moreover, Banner showed the tiki bar that they built together, although it was mostly Stark who spent his time there drinking. “Well, Tony mostly drank, just sat around, like, complaining about Steve. It was a good time during a hard time,” Banner reminisced.

Not only does this scene reveal the warm and solid relationship between the ‘Science Bros,’ but it also hinted at a possible project that Marvel Studios and Disney+ can embark on.

If they cannot resuscitate Stark back to life, then why not revisit this period of time before the events in Avengers: Endgame? Robert Downey Jr. would surely love to be back even, if it’s just a mini-series.

Robert Downey Jr. Wants To Return In The MCU

Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark

In an interview with Variety, the Oscar-winning actor confirmed he’s more than enthusiastic to play Tony Stark again.

It’s just crazily in my DNA. Probably the most like-me character I’ve ever played, even though he’s way cooler than I am. I’ve become surprisingly open-minded to the idea.

If the actor’s willing to put the suit back on, then it’s only a matter of greenlight signal from the studio. There are many ways to work around the idea of bringing him back that won’t affect the story in Endgame.

His whereabouts during The Blip is one fool-proof way of revisiting the character without messing up the timelines.